Cutesy Articles!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -LovelyDenial, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. With all the messy stuff in forums, (politics, school, s5/event stuff), I've decided to make a new contest thread.

    Goal: To be the person that posts the CUTEST news article.


    - Do not just post a link. Discuss it a little. Not 3 body essay. Just a line or 2.

    - It can be a SS or a direct quote. If so, please still add a link.

    - You may post up to 3 entries. Break the rule in any entries, and all are DQ.

    - All articles must be from 2015.

    I will judge, and will consult outside sources, aka non kawers, as needed.

    - Bragging Rights
    - Ally Purchase of Under Total Price of 50B.

    May the cutest article win.


  2. You should change the game to cutest anything barring girls, because finding a news article that's cute, then discussing it a little, is way too much work for the majority of tap tap players who have an IQ of a ten year old.
  3. I'm sorry. It's a contest. Don't you think some effort is needed to win contests?
  4. 50b?not worh it.
  5. I apologize, it was my mistake. I didn't read the rest of the OP and didn't know it was a contest.
  6. Then don't play. :)
  7. I not 10, you dumbo
  8. Seems like too much work...
  9. So unfortunate that a well intentioned thread and potentially interesting gets trolled and derailed into the floor.

    Anyway, ... 1508200071

    Not really cutesy but definately feelgood. It's about an ex Army Ranger going for the final roster slot on the Steelers football team. Good luck to him!
  10. 50b is like 1 unload on HTE...
  12. Imgfit that next time..,