With all the messy stuff in forums, (politics, school, s5/event stuff), I've decided to make a new contest thread. Goal: To be the person that posts the CUTEST news article. Rules: - Do not just post a link. Discuss it a little. Not 3 body essay. Just a line or 2. - It can be a SS or a direct quote. If so, please still add a link. - You may post up to 3 entries. Break the rule in any entries, and all are DQ. - All articles must be from 2015. I will judge, and will consult outside sources, aka non kawers, as needed. Prize: - Bragging Rights - Ally Purchase of Under Total Price of 50B. May the cutest article win. GO!
You should change the game to cutest anything barring girls, because finding a news article that's cute, then discussing it a little, is way too much work for the majority of tap tap players who have an IQ of a ten year old.
Service Dog Dials 911 During fire and saves Blind Owner's Life August 18, 2015 A service dog saved the day by calling 911 and alerted the authorities! At the same time, the dog pulled the owner away from the house on fire!
So unfortunate that a well intentioned thread and potentially interesting gets trolled and derailed into the floor. Anyway, http://www.post-gazette.com/sports/stee ... 1508200071 Not really cutesy but definately feelgood. It's about an ex Army Ranger going for the final roster slot on the Steelers football team. Good luck to him!