Crystal Counter

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DDS-_-lllD3VILlll-_-DDS, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Can we have a Crystals used amount next to your Mithril reward, on the war report when war is over?

    This will help clans see who is getting a free ride in wars when others are x'taling and they are not!!!!!!!
  2. What oh yeah cool
  3. Support .. Dam freeloaders
  4. Yeah that would be great
  5. Support !!!
    This is needed to separate the Men from the Boys 
  6. I think a lot more details like what actions and so on would also be cool, but the first must be Xtal counter. Support
  7. Yeah! And they should be sent to a special clan where they can be farmed for 48 hrs by kaw
  8. Support!
  9. Unfortunately this is a free game and giving out info about peeps who pay to play (buy xtals) would be unfair to those who don't. There are a lot of peeps playing kaw that are either too young to work or have no work. I'm sorry to say I can't support this idea even tho it is a great idea
  10. Crystals can be gained by quests. My lv 5 mace is only from quest crystals in ee.

    Also support.
  11. lllllllll--POO--llllllllll

    If a clan states you must have crystals to war then it's nice for others who obey the clan rules to see this in action.

    They can join a no crystals required clan lol 
  12. Support!
  13. You didn't say weather u were an xtal or no xtal clan  also questing for xtals will set back the peeps who for whatever reason can't buy them
  14. It's £13.99 or $19.99 I think in America for 32 xtals, enough for 16 wars. An iTunes giftcard are does not cost to much. Google play currency I'm not sure.