Answer: Winddown Congratulations Okaidis for getting the correct answer first. You explained about the down and the wind but not about the professor and his wife. But I'll let you off A professor is often known as a don, and his wife adds the W to make down. Congratulations I'll be over soon to drop you a seal!
Yall are just giving what google searched up. You should be able to state how you came up with that answer.
Worm Tail! No I honestly don't know, there was a book I side that had the same section in a plot but I can't remember it.
Yes I'm going to need an explanation so that I can proof it guys. If Okaidis can provide an explanation then they shall win. I couldn't find it on google so I don't think anyone will
Snake in this case doesn't mean the animal or noun. Snake is used as a verb to wrap around something or "wind" (check online dictionary if you down believe me) Tail off is an idiom which means "dwindle to nothing" or "down" in this case (check online idiom searches if you don't believe me)
Professor and his wife are just to mess with the question. It can be asked in different ways, like if you WERE to google it, it would come up with "fellow" instead of professor.
The guy that wrote it doesn't usually stick things in for nothing like that. It's not his style. But I will check with him