[title=grey+white]Photo Caption[/title] RKO'ing John Cena, Fishy Orton grabs Cena by the neck and slams his face into the ground! Write a caption for the photo! Make it funny, serious or whatever you want! Zuthmerak is angry and Cena for whatever reason. All work must be submitted within the deadline. Anything submitted past the deadline is ineligible. [title=grey+white]Deadline[/title] All work must be submitted by Sunday, May 22nd at 11:59 PM Central Standard Time. This deadline is subject to change based on the number of entries submitted by the deadline. [title=grey+white]Submitting[/title] All submissions may either be posted here on this thread, PM, or via email at kawcreativesubmissions@gmail.com. Do not send your submissions anywhere else, or they will not be valid. Due to only being able to put 10 options on a poll, the contest will run until either the deadline or until there are 10 entries. [title=grey+white]Rewards[/title] From devs: More entries = more rewards
Making titles with custom colors requires plus signs, which if you want to talk effect you have to edit them in a second time. Great job, PhP *moonface*
Andy: Wow! You lose so many troops every attack... Do they all die? Like, what happens exactly? Me: Well.... This: