This thread, This thread is a company thread. Here we discuss books and how to make them better. So far our list of editors, writers and reveiwers are down. We need some so don't be afraid to ask for a job here! The only rule, The only rule here is that when reveiwer reveiw they must use star ratings () up to five stars per rate and they must put crazyfreakshow co.™ after every rate and then for the reveiwers they must also put this sign, . Also for the writers at the end of their story they must put crazyfreakshow co.™ on the last page of their story. As for the editors they must no go on any story and just edit it. They have to be hired by a story writer. After you edit the story you must put your edit sign, . Also you have to write after you edit, crazyfreakshow co.™ That's it! Disguss books and titles here! Become what you want and post idea of your book here!