Crackdown Warriors

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by GhostPhantom, Jun 2, 2015.

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  1. We are Crackdown Warriors ! We are EB killers. And are looking for Admins !!! Our leadership is..... lacking in what's needed to keep a good clan clanning, so if you have what it takes, and can act crackers 24/7 come by and help please !!!!!
  2. You are Dennis. You whine on the forums and wc. You aren't aware that no one cares.
  3. Crackdown has always been terrible...with threads like this i can see why
  4. Absolutely amazing thread. 10/10 much support  wish every thread was this good, just goes to show how good your clan is too.

  5. 
  6. This thread is fake. Dennis isnt crackdown.
    Request lock
  7. This isn't your thread Hectorious, I am asking you to leave my thread, I maintain Crackdown Warriors DO need good Admins
  8. and I maintain that fake trolls need not make useless spam threads. This one is getting a lock.
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