Crackdown vs Order of Salvation OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by spookyrobbie, May 25, 2012.

  1. Not OOS.

    Order of Shadows was closed and merged with crackdown amongst other clans.

    Order of Salvation lead by Fish Food amongst others.

    Y ? Not going to bore u and to be honest I no longer care.

    So we war and its ongoing.

    Ooh happy days :D
  2. Why make this when there was a better thread made in the past couple days?
  3. burn does it hurt??? Gettin burned??
  4. Lol good thread spooky
  5. Who are u roach can't say that uve been on my news feed lmao ? And burned ummm.
  6. To explain clearer:

    I Know all what all happenned and I can explain why crackdown hit OoS:

    1. I was cheese's friend since their fist real war, and I've been there many times for epics, We have made and alliance. I respected Cheese and OoS
    I also joined order of shadow's osw vs Team Taylor and Phoenix. After that osw, cheese said good bye and quite kaw. I was in his pal chat and witness what he said it's for his RL.
    He gave ownership to Spank. saying quitting but it's funny that he always lurked, joined in epics and didn't say anything, even not a "hi". Acted strangely and I even suspected his acc was hacked. The CC turned into silence, noone said anything bcos they cheese was so scary. PPL wonder what happenned to him. Members even not show up for epic, that was really discouraging.
    Cheese was kicked base on council's agreement. Bcos after kicked cheese, all members still there and all wanted to grow the clan.
    Now they started to put all mistake on Spank which isn't correct, they all blame Spank but they all agreed when cheese should have been kicked.

    2. Afther that order of shadow wasn't active enough, they just recoverd after osw. Ppl need to recover too, and many big members went out to hit big epics for items or for fast haunting after their time lost.
    3 Spank and all the admins had a plan to rebuild OOS and recruiting, with really nice clan page and ads. I totally supported the rebuild of OOS.
    4. Lacking of active and big stats, epic failed and members started to leave and more epics failed and no reward given. Not new members joining. Spank was trying in vain for few weeks.
    5. Then I offered Oos to join crackdown to make a bigger family that can deal with epic or stay until they grown then come back to OOS.
    6. Spank agreed and asked members to move to crackdown, Count joined too and all the merge seemed went well. I told everyone forgot the past and time to move on and grow. But of course not all members wanted to merge bcos they want to stay on their own which is understandable. It's then born the clan order of Salvation.
    7. But Fishblackandwhite appreared and start to disturb the merging and posted rude comment on CD's recruitng threat.
    8. Fish got hit for dispecting CD and he came in CD cc to apology and ask for CF. I'm friend with owner of Order of Salvation and we agreed to CF on fish.
    9. You all said loyal to Cheese, but you were there to help on osw vs Team Taylor and Phoenix, why you spoke out loud now?
    10. The old clan OoS wasn' effective bcos they all left , if you care for that clan, why you didn't come to support it earlier?
    Disbanding that clan wasn't Spank's decision alone. He wanted to keep it, it was still continue to hit small ebs for low stats members and alts, until we got mad of Fish's harassement. Clan order of Salvation has put Spank and Panda's name on their clan page as an insult.

    11. Spank was asked to disband that clan by CD council, we thought it's time to end all the drama. Then Mogthemighty hit Spank, what's for ? and Spank didn't whine as you said, he reported in CC for the inc hits from Mogthemighty.
    It's 4 hits, yes but it's not simply hits, it's an insult and violation of CF that we agreed with Order of salvation that we wouldn't hit them. And Mog shouldn't use such an agressive against Spank.

    As for RockingRoach, you didn't live what Spank had, kicking a friend out of clan wasn't an easy decision and Spank ddn't do it alone. Cheese has lost the track and had no interest in playing kaw as a normal player would, he haunted CC and acted in a very weird ways, he wasn't the same.
    Kicking cheese out at that moment was to avoid conflict with others clan and let OoS members relax and focus on growing.

    Spank was cheese's follower for long time he has no reason to do whatever harm cheese. He was loyal to cheese and to Order of shadow. What he have done is based on each situation and he did what he must, not what he wanted.
    Yes fighting against ex clan mates isn't cool. But Mog could do it, what's shame! You just couldn't talk? Who is the heartless one?

    CD won't run, how that idea come to you? We merge with our alliance; Death Penalty clan and yes they have a lot of barcodes, why all barcodes are called mercs? :shock: really funny idea.

    I think not many ppl wanted this war happen, but it's a must. Mog hit spank for disabnding old OoS? You all left OoS and noone even cared for it!
    Who give him the right to hit a crackdown member? Spank is in our house, he's our family and he's protected. Spank just wanted to leave all the drama of the past behind and move on, but you didn't let him go.

    You digged Cheese's tomb and put his dead body up for make a fight with us. Too bad, you said you loved him but didn't leave he rest in peace.
  7. So much emotion and story's behind this war. I cant help but want to join
  8. Too bad it's just a game. 
  9. You must not have made friends.
  10. Grow bigger spook, make it worth attacking you
  11. Guess not. Oh well. Because I care so much to make the acquaintance of the abundance of morons on this game.
  12. Not for the first time but

    Hb ass roach p58

    And yes the eb warrior has no Sdp lmao
  13. Oooooe assasins, how much did you make???
  14. Be the big bad spy master, but you still failed just like your post  but have fun with your assasins
  15. Support to Crackdown, Order of Salvation sounds like a sacrificial cult...
  16. Roach change your build ? Lmao

    Oh why are u pinned again 
  17. Because i let you play having fun?? yeah i did like it?? I changed my build with the money i made this osw as an epic battle hero  nice aint it?? how much did your assasins made you this war?? Just curious
  18. Ooh for i forget, pretty good post angie worth reading it
  19. @angie, read my post, i said somewhere it wasnt mine, i put it in the forum to discus the matter and give opinions, an to take the smug out your clans recruiting post. I will not say i know the whole story or how people felt while doing things they did, i told this to spank earlier this week