CR Leaders: Can You Come Out And Play?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SicNocXxDr34dL0rdxX, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Chaos Reborn Leadership: Time To Stop Hiding Behind Your Alliance

    Sicarius Noctis (formerly Chaos Reborn Dragon) is coming for the leaders of Chaos Reborn, and your banks (even the ones you've been liquidating in secret for "your big leader-board strip" :lol: ).

    CR Leaders you ignored your family clan leaders and even your own council member's warning that something was rotten within your leader room. Your arrogance and disrespect toward your own family clan was unbelievable, yet you cried and then beat your chest at us when we left.

    Finally, after all the threats and broken promises, you've decided to initiate this war against us. And even called in the apocalypse alliance to assist. :lol: :lol: CR Leaders :lol: :lol:

    CR can you come out from hiding and play? And JP, didn't think you were one to break your word.
  2. Support to SicNoc
  3. Well...

    I don't think anyone can say there's been a lack of major wars lately...
  4. *roles eyes*
  5. Hope this is a good one :) excited to watch
  6. Arkane:

  7. Support for fictional propaganda!!

    CR leaders are here bruh. Where you at? DTW? That's unfortunate.

    P.S. where you been the past year? Everyone know ✯☠CƦ/KøтҒE/ŦṨ/ШøḠ☠✯ is one family not an alliance

    That's like saying every member in sic noc is allied with each other and has to call them in during war.


    C$ⒸⓇ LΞΔÐΞR
  8. So should I abandon cra
  9. I would, it's barely even active.
  10. Lol, we put our tags back on just for this special occasion
  11. Still waiting on those ss cmoney.  Surely to preemptively strip you would have ss of infractions to support your "cause" Right?

    I think the main point was to see if CR wanted to play by themselves against little ole us. If not that's completely understandable. I mean you see these stats lately bro? I gots T5's and whatnot. Scary ****.
  12. I seriously don't even understand what you're trying to say. Probably from lack of caring. Bad medicine should know why this war started. If not then he needs to go back through his pm's.

    The only thing rotten in our clan was our members not following the rules and starting a war when they were at fault. Then leaving the clan afterwards, reforming their former clan, recruiting actual CRD members, then allying with the clan that we just got done warring. Stinks a little doesn't it.
  13. So cra kicked me for posting in forums wtf
  14. Yep I have ss of that convo. He was Asking you who was recruiting. Still waiting for that answer cdollaz. Who was recruiting? I would most enjoy to see an ss of one of us recruiting CR members.
  15. Oh...Hold on...Let me look...It's somewhere where did I put that...maybe in my other...let's see I had it...then I did that other thing...aww man, I musta lost it. My bad brochacho's
  16. Love the attitude cmoney. I'm not surprised u don't care u got friends fighting friends. Hmmm I wonder if that's why people left cr? Cuz owners could care less about there "family"??
  17. Ok so we recruited is a lie until ss prove otherwise. Thanks for confirming that ccheddar. So basically the position you are taking is that people who leave CR aren't free to join whichever clan they please?
  18. Yeah something does stink Cmoney, close your legs my man 