Discussion in 'Wars' started by ___PAC_Man___, Jan 29, 2013.

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  1. Troublemaker from black hand main rival of ran away and changed ur name to D3FIANC3 like a ashame to call for Cf ur being a eb fairy at SN..grow balls black hand admit defeat u coward
  2. Lol my thoughts exactly
  3. Oh **** -./
  4. *sold her main also
  5. Isn't the blazey account still in war? 
  6. Now that all the other threads have been locked, people have to post on this oneξ„…
  7. @schsmi ..blazinallnight acct is gone eb mode also. Troublemaker isn't hers anymore
  8. Ever thought someone might have 2 accounts?


    Blazey is troublemaker's alt...

    Probably sold it to by crystals to strip the other side...? :|
  9. Wow that's really all I can say. Best call out thread yet I think. Very straight forward very nice fearless. Appropriate name for u ξ€Ž
  10. Okay, thank you for the info pinky.
  11. Pinky?

    What's blazey's full account name? Can't find it.

    (Or is it barcoded?) :|
  12. It's not blazey is it??? Nope it's trouble running to be a eb fairy
  13. Uhhh... OP, surely you would do your research and know blazey was trouble before you started making a fallout thread...
  14. She still ran from the osw without CF to be a lil eb fairy deleting all her posts along from telling ig members to do the same
  15. Alpha,

    Make sure to control your members. This would have been brought up with better facts later.
  16. Cuddle bunneh the thread is noting but the truth black hand want to run away like fools? Let them no one is gonna stop me from speaking the truth
  17. Alpha council and admins will know exactly what i meant by that post.
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