Courage the Cowardly dog: My fan theory

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BadRobot, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. In light of recent news, there have been many fan theories of popular tv shows. I was watching this show when I thought of this. So here are my thoughts.


    In courage the cowardly dog in the beginning they decide to end their vacation in the cats motel. The cats motel actually represents their house through out the entire show. And since the very beginning the cat has had them trapped there all along. The reasons dogs (courage) are not allowed in the hotel.. Is not because he is a dog and cats hate dogs.... No it is because only he can see underneath the mask that the cat is wearing. Why do you think muriel and eustance always seemed so zoned out? Its because they are trapped under the cats spell. Its only weakness is the dog. And dogs are not allowed in the cats motel. They practically signed their souls to the devil since the very beginning.

    The cat is the only reoccurring villain through out the entire show... In fact he is the only villain throughout the entire show. He just comes in all shapes and sizes. He comes in any and every form. He keeps them trapped in the hotel, by trying to scare them out. The cat is a very demented and emotionally tortured being.

    In the second episode the cat admits his distaste for the dog already. Because he interferes with his evil scheme. Courage calls to get help in the second episode because the cat stepped up his game. Suddenly courage realized he has gotten himself trapped too. Thats why when he screams he morphs in
    to other evil creatures.

    At the end of almost every show the cat almost gets away and captures them forever. But courage never fails to swoop in at the end and stop him at the last minute. Thus resulting in more tries by the cat. aka - more shows.
  2. I think you've gotten into the devils lettuce son.
  3. The Devils grass.
  4. You are my son. You are a clone of me.
  5. The real question is:

    Why are Crocker's ears on his neck?
  6. What isn't life?
  7. Life is what?
  9. Why get all into stupid theories just enjoy the show
  10. I did enjoy it.
  12. No you didn't noob
  13. Rude.