Countinue the Sentence

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by NBDxChaos, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Hi Everyone I'm doing this off my iPhone so it's not gonna look pretty but...

    It's back the forum game continue the sentence

    Starting words are...

    My dog
  2. Is adorable
  3. It tasted like
  4. In bbq sauce
  5. Then the dog was in my stomach
  6. So i did a  and burnt it
  7. Then I rubbed it on my face
  8. Slowly as i beat a bongo drum
  9. . little did I know
  10. It was poisonous.
  11. But not fatal.
  12. A nuke explodes 2 meters above your head, instantly killing you. End of story.
  13. .-.

    And then my ghost
  14. Got givuidoiiokppl
  15. Ate my spare tire ...That is why I'm late to work.
  16. But little did i know i had cancer
  17. So I did a  on the doctors