corsair v naughtyboyz

Discussion in 'Wars' started by corsair, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. This is an official 1v1 challenge

    I was having a farmfest farewell party hitting wc ads with a dear friend. We were trying to see who could get the most wall posts( i think matty won ). When i got some long expected incoming-full barbar from naughtyboyz. I of course returned a few hits, then i looked at his wall it read " corsair you farm my clan member i will farm you. You are a permanent farm for me and my clan." I challenged him to a 1v1 but he said that i was.scared because i was his new farm mixed in with some profanity.
    So lately all my hits have been going to him, his clan mates are hitting me but i only hit him( unless dtw). He is getting beaten terribly and is calling in people to hit me.
    Before this gets out of hand i want to challenge him to a 1v1. I will give him 1 week topot up seeing as i burned them all. The loser will write an apology thread.
    Sorry for any typos.
  2. Support. Anyone that needs a whole clan to fight one person is pathetic, go on naughty. Stop hiding behind your clan.
  3. trolls here will be farmed and stripped
  4. Can you strip me please I need to upgrade
  5. Still nothing
  6. Support. 1v1 is a lost art of KAW.
  7. Don ask them too strip you with massive_ra
  8. Support.
    This is an incredibly reasonable challenge.
  9. I know right, same size. I'm giving a week to pot up. Felt very reasonable to me
  10. Sounds like a fair challenge
  11.  Has the challenge been accepted yet?
  12. We had something like this happen in my clan, I support the one on one challenge. I messed up and it turned nasty, but everything got resolved. If one person is going to try to bully another person, it should stay 1V1, and the clan should stay in the background unless it's not a fair fight.
  13. @fin no the challenge has not been accepted
  14. How am I supposed to support this? For what?
  15. @ corsair so you wanted me right apologies for you farm my clan does not sound reasonable to me. I will not apologies for what you deciding to do to have fun. I will take that 1v1 challenge any day but will not apologies for nothing due to u started this in the first place.
  16. All I wanted was an apologies for the farming but you had to start getting all cocky so why cry now that you can't handle what you got your self into. But what ever man keep crying I will war with you.