Corrupt Mods an Why devs should trust em

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by x1-_JlnchrIkl-DVF-Shinobi_EUR0, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. How forums just had a incident with a dude rping in kaw as a chick, I'm presently actively play kaw an have the allies to prove it, there this allieless hansel ______axiz_______________-xx not hitting eb just sitting in a dead clan harrassing me at first I found it cute then after a while it got hilarious funny 50+ actions an 3-4 wins is kinda dumb yet axiz keep at it hope for hail marry success any who i engaged Shim in conversation calling em a guy cause 99.9% of kaw really are guys so axiz tells me he's not a guy an I said prove it an shim said they added enough pervs an not adding anymore I replied I'm no perv an with the high value of failed steals axiz was sending I added how there the one failing to inappropriately touch me then I went inactive basicly to fill up an cause more fails I logged back in to plenty of fails an a silence message saying I wanted a user to prove there gender when thats a damn lie, gender was brought up by the other player thus I was baited into the response that got me silenced I been reading the tou an theres tons about harassment an baiting players yet nothing ever done about it an I know I know I'm not suppose to mention getting screwed over in forums o well *clicks send*
  2. So difficult to read with 1 huge sentence
  3. Dude, eat a snickers
  4. Just send a kind letter to support using simple words that they can understand so they can understand ur situation and remove your silence, not this response. Atking mods and blaming your silence on them is never a good idea, trust me.
  5. Please send an email to and explain the situation. If you had a harassment case we'd all you to email support the evidence anyway. As far as the silence if it was unjust support will reverse it
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