Coordination EB

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DartFeld, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. I know many people dislike EBs, and i know they are moving away from them, but I had an idea and I'm not sure if its been suggested before. what about an EB that REQUIRES coordination?

    All I have is an example, but the idea can be built around it. Say something like a rolling fog that constantly regenerates. I don't mean x regen every 2 minutes, I mean constant. Like The equivalent of 50 per second, but in increments of 1, not 50. For example a rolling fog, say 1000 points is its max. This has to be kept below a threshold (say 100 or 150) via scouting to "expose" enemies, while others have to attack. This means one person can't come online, unload, then leave. It has to be a minimum of 2 people coordinating, because by yourself, you can't scout, then stop and hit. It will have regenerated past the threshold by the time you hit the button.

    I realize this kills the idea of skimming in a battle like this, but I think it would be an interesting dynamic.

    What are your ideas/thoughts on this possibility?
  2. Nope, still an eb sorry no support
  3. We need to get rid of all ebs period,not make ideas for new ones. U seem to be a thinker though, come up with something for war maybe?
  4. I agree this game is nothing like it was, pinky. I've been around since the second or third month, and I sometimes get nostalgic of those times. I took a year off an came back to EBs everywhere and just kind of adapted. When I'm able to settle my life a bit better I hope to go back to warring, but I can't dedicate the time necessary for it, and won't be able to for a while.
  5. Also, I have submitted a few ideas for wars to the devs. You know that useless banner that gives 3000 CS? Useless. My suggestion? Create a way to level it? Yes. But that's not all. The other part? In a system war, if you pin an enemy, you steal their banner for the duration of the war. Or maybe only until you yourself are pinned by an enemy, and they take it back to their friend.
  6. I started playing when eb was already released and have been in only war clans!
    I hate ebs and I don't see the point except for inbetween osw for pot coin and a bit of growth,but to sit around hitting repeat repeat and not even getting a crying wall post pfft id rather go play with barbies
  7. The leveling of the banner would have to be thought out properly. Don't want really strong players taking on weak ones to get the same bonus they do for fighting someone their own size. Maybe an upgrade available for every land, proportional to the max stats possible.
  8. Whoops. Thread detailed :p let's he back on track... Maybe I'll make another thread for war idea, but I've gotta work and dont have the time to write it out in detail.
  9. Not really derailed aslong as its not completely off topic and we are dicussing improvement ideas,but fair enough. Good luck
  10. I always thought the idea of a war eb would be cool, like your armys meet in the middle of something and while your fighting at any point some giant monster could attack both your army's.
    You could either be a dick and use your army to still attack the enemy but with the monster in the field you lose more units per hit, or you can cease fire and fight the monster together, which would naturally have to be tough to be able to stand against 2 clans.
    Which ever clan kills it could have a chance at getting the war drops that I keep seeing on the forums.

    Literally just thought of this from what the OP said I thought it was good you lot will probably hate it 
  11. Can't say I like it, flood. Would be funny to see, but annoying to participate in. Especially since wars can be with members spanning any range in strength.
  12. They need to get rid of dtw in war if you ask me...
  13. Score of the grand finale Summer war was 4b to non epic. Not to mention that's all the entire war was.. A contest of self pinning.
  14. Good idea, except for a new EB replace old ones with this system
  15. There can be multiple variations of this. Another example, an undead army guarding treasure. Except they're truly undead, they keep rising up every time they're stricken down.
  16. System wars just suck. Has nothing to do with mechanics or anything. It's the time limit and being able to see the money earned. In osw u cant turtle forever and the score isnt based on gains. which is the way it should always be. War is never about what you gain it's about you making them lose so much they give up.