
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Muchacho, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Hello fellow kawers, I'm, as you see i'm a hansel, I've been told to convert all my guilds to sos, and on the highlands tier 5 spy buildings :p So, I'm following through with this, is this the best way to go though? thanks :cool:
  2. Yes but I would save the gold first or else you will see a significant drop in plunder.
  3. That is if you put up them 1 at a time. ^
  4. The gold drop is insignificant if you are an EB warrior, or enjoy farming and need higher spy stats. Also, it only drops after 33% of your spy buildings are SoS
  5. Not true it is significant, and it drops after every SOS you put up until approximately 2/3 are SOS, which will never happen because you will be putting t5 on highlands.
  6. And it will be time consuming to put up t5, so you'll have a long term plunder drop.
  7. Check out the original t4 Hansel guide... I've used this many times. As long as you have either under 33% or over 66% SOS your plunder won't drop. Save up and convert to over 2/3 SOS all at once
  8. Umm yeah what troll said... I'm slow
  9. Thanks :D
  10. Troll be trolling, watch out. o_O
  11. @TROLL when all highlands are Volary Lvl3 it cancels out the SoS's affect. Or so I've been told.
  12. Yes it does, but think. How long does it take to get all t5l3?

    A long time.

    Btw look at my build, I know what I'm talking about.
  13. Hey, i'm not denying it takes a long time. I'm just saying when you're finished it works out
  14. @TR0LL

    Just because you have higher stats doesn't mean I'm wrong. Yes, I know what I'm talking about as well. I contributed to a thread pertaining to the problem with SoS gold drop as soon as it became well-known. The thread had been what led to the information which Vandalise would use to write her T4 thread. So once again, don't assume your higher stats make you right, or me wrong.
  15. If you had read my first comment, the SoS conversion is insignificant in EB's because the increase in damage done compensates for the small amount of money lost per each attack. Also, when you fight, upgrading one SoS at a time lets you fight more on-par with any higher level opponents than if you saved up and bought them all at once. Also, I'm only talking about LL, not HL also. I have no qualms about Volary's on HL.
  16. It's like a 0/0/500k/500k fighting a 0/0/1m/1m, and if the lower player saved up till all at once (why would ANY spy save up all that money and leave it out? Allies are just as useless, and pots leave a .25 decrease in what you spent (75% worth of original). Thus, the only logical way for someone warring is for them to upgrade one at a time, and quickly, rather than leave large quantities of $$$ out. ). One more word for you: OSF.