Converting to T5 Hansel...A Question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Rulerz-KRAYZEE_K1NG-Rulerz, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. I had a question for any hansels/ people who might be able to help. Is there any reason as to why all threads saying how to convert to hansel say that you should wait to buy volarys until you can buy all at once. Thanks for the answer :) ;)

    P.S- I do realize this a noob question in the eyes of some people, haters gonna hate, but please only post helpful answers. Thx
  2. Plunders drops a lot if you convert one at a time
  3. Plunder drop as you're converting until 2/3 of land is Volary

    Ask the devs, not me :p
  4. Okay thanks, so im converting right now, would either of you, or anybody else, be able to help me with something. I have my lowlands bc with sos level 3. I have 15 lands in the highlands, 7 level 4 guilds there, 1 volary, 5 level 1 t5, and 2 level 2 tier 5. Thx
  5. Just to let you know there is no t5 spy building it's a t3 spy building trolololololol
  6. So as a hansel composed of SOS's with two attack builds, is it more cost effective to sell off all SOS's and replace with guilds in an effort to bank cash ? And if so, what kind of gain in plunder are we talking about here ?
  7. It's really not a huge drop, at least not big enough for me to notice.