Converting guild to sos with tier 5 atk build increase gold

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -ZEF-, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. I am creating this post cuz everyone is complaining about sos droping allie plunder bonus.
    require any tier 5 atk building lvl 1 "please note if you upgrade it any further your allie plunder will drop" The worst 70bill plus I spent trying this

    Remenber IF Your Do not have a Tier 5 atk build this build wont work an your allie plunder will drop anyway

    lower land replace guild lvl 4 to sos lvl 1 "please note do not upgrade sos any further or your plunder wil drop" Your allie bonus wil increase slowly

    You can build up to 17 sos lvl 1 "note if u pass 17 sos your allie bonus will drop"

    This build you do not have to build 17 sos all at once your allie bonus will increase,
    so build one at a time .

    After that just continue buying guild lvl 4

    Also do not build anymore atk building unless yu dont want to be a Hansel anymore

    this build is base on 33 land with lvl 5 EE buff

    SOS |Guilds| Allies plunder
    1 | 31 | 25,003,862
    2 | 30 | 25,031,958
    3 | 29 | 25,060,054
    4 | 28 | 25,088,150
    5 | 27 | 25,116,246
    6 | 26 | 25,144,342
    7 | 25 | 25,172,438
    8 | 24 | 25,200,534
    9 | 23 | 25,228,630
    10 | 22 | 25,256,726
    11 | 21 | 25,284,822
    12 | 22 | 25,312,918
    13 | 20 | 25,341,014
    14 | 19 | 25,369,110
    15 | 18 | 25,397,206
    16 | 17 | 25,425,302
    17 | 16 | 25,453,398

    The caculation is higher then that but im not going to down grade to see the allie bonus increase, so sorry everyone this is base on the hunt and NML EB
  2. Great way to start a hansel build :) I have 16 so far plunder increased from 27m to almost 29mil.

    Note: I have 12 highlands, 1 t5 rest guilds, lowlands 16 sos,castle lvl3, rest guilds.
  3. I have spent alot of gold upgrading and down grading building to make this build. So good lucky everyone enjoy :p
  4. Awesome thread for Hansel they should make one for hybrid
  5. Nice thread. Good info!! :)
  6. great info although I think for players that may not be as salty in the game it lacks the more detailed explanation they will likely need to fully understand it. Examples showing the math might be a good visual to help players understand.
  7. Above build works differently for me, my plunder takes a drop of 1.8m per hit, but the pay out increases, on an average of 1-2b for the same amt of hits. And the gold to hit ratio of the abv build is higher payout comapred to full guild my build is as follows: 40land, 17 lvl 1 SOS, 1 colony and rest lvl 4 guilds
  8. A useful thread for beginners or people building newer alts. Good job.
  9. alot of people been complaining that you lose 2mill when u convert to 17 sos lvl 1 but in fact u make more out of the war tax about 1 to 2 bill more. If u dont have a Tier 5 atk building and bought a sos u would lose more then 120mil u would lose about 600mil. It the same when you try to buy anymore pass 17 sos u lose 600mil depending on how much land u have.
  10. The full increase to max level T5 is worth it when weighted against the pot used to hit haunt with T4.

    Plunder drop is minimal and plunder now increases when 14-15 sos are up
  11. this aint true for me., i lost ally plunder when i converted one guild to lvl sos. i have 37 lands 1 t5 lvl1 atk and 1 t4 max coe. i hope the plunder at the end of the eb would be bigger..
  12. Why I just get 22B not 25B?
  13. First, guess how much I make 1 hit with lvl 2 ee.? 27 mil. I waste no money on pots cause of my equipment and I'm averaging 15-20 bill a day!
    My bonus from a haunt with 1 unload is 1.2 and I make 800 mil from that unload. That's 2 bill in 1 unload. I have to do 10 unloads for 20 bill. You don't need bigger stats, you just need better strats.
  14. Ohh and I'm a guild Hansel with a lvl 2 EE.
  15. That's a load of crap I upgraded my SOS and every time I did my plunder went up so what your saying makes no sense :roll: