Hello kaw forumers I have started my highlands but I have a question that I would like you to answer. I am not sure if I should continue building tier 4 CoE on highlands . Now should I build CoE on highlands and then convert to tier 5 colony . Or should I start with tier 5 colony now and keep building little by little. I am looking to be an attack balanced build with one cursed foundry.thank you
Youre better off placing guilds instead of CoE's, and when you can easily get 75b, convert the guilds to Colony lvl 2's.
Wow never thought of it that way ,so I place guilds lvl 4 untili can get faster gold and then convert to colony
Question any EBS that you as kaw experienced players would think would be best for me to make gold considering my stats
You should only do hauntings if you can easily afford the amount of pots/need no pots to hit Haunting. You might also want to consider branching out and helping your profit margins per week to grow.
Don't listen to seƱorita. If you want colonies, build them, even level one. No need to waste cash on guilds.