Conspiracy Theories to make you Think.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Angel-of-Meth, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Hello, since the dawn the age of the Internet, people have shared what they believed happened in many worldwide and domestic events.

    From the moon landing being a hoax, to aliens building the pyramids, we have fascinated ourselves with things that could be true, even if it is terrifying.
    Now if you know me, you know I don't use bb codes mainly because I'm ignorant on how to use them and refuse to learn how. So deal.

    This post is to discuss and share conspiracies that make you think or are just scare the **** out of you. I'll start by sharing a few of my fav. Skip to the end if you don't want to read or simply want to add and discuss your own. Kaw theories welcome ofc

    THEORY 1: Babushka lady,
    Many people know JFK's assassination was one of the most worldwide tragedies of the 20th century. Many speculate that there were 2 shooters. However here's a theory on a more sinister plot.
    In this theory, it was the KGB that wanted him gone. JFK was good at his work, intimidating the ussr. So the KGB sent in spies to take him out. Oswald ended up taking the blame. There are frames in the video that show an old woman dressed in the traditional Babushka fashion snapping photos of the motorcade. Perhaps she was just some random citizen. Or the ring leader taking shots of the position(s) of the shooters. Either way, when seen, the U.S. Government went berserk trying to find her, and asked her to come forward. Nothing came out of that. When Oswald was caught, the day of his trial he was assassinated by a "patriotic man." Perhaps to cover tracks? Perhaps a cover up if he talked? Who knows?

    THEORY 2: 3 Secrets of Fatima
    This theory is a wildly known theory for its involvement with the church. Legend has it in 1917, 3 Portuguese girls were visited by the Virgin Mary. She gave each a vision, and disappeared. When confronted, the first girl gives her vision. A depiction of hell. So terrifying that had The Virgin Mary not told her she would be sent to heaven, she would have died of fear. She saw the damnation waiting for people when they die. In 1941, during the blitzkrieg in Europe, the second girl gave her vision. The vision that if Russia did not convert, many people would die and nations would be destroyed. Whole ethnic lines would be targeted and the innocent shall die. Later that year, Russia is invaded by Germany. Which in the end, cost Russia almost 10million lives. 1.5 million of those Jewish. The third, upon the fear of her imminent death in 1943, wrote a letter to the pope describing the 3rd vision. With directions on when to open it. Now this is where the controversy comes in, the pope opens it in 1953, and says that he will announce it in the 70s (74?). When that doesn't happen, people jump to conclusions. Could it be the exact whereabouts and knowledge of who and when the antichrist would arise? The pope in 2000 revealed it. Saying Christians would be persecuted before the Lord came. Now, if you read your bible, you'd already know of this. Why would Mary give a vision of something we already know from scripture? Many believe the Vatican is hiding the true secret. WW3? Next mass genocide? End of the world? Up for you to decide I guess. If you believe.

    THEORY 3: Elissa Lam
    Many new people to conspiracy know this story. A young foreign student studying abroad found dead. Except, she was found in The Hollywood Cecil's Hotel water storage. And 19 days after she passed.
    Okay, but how is this a conspiracy? I could get drunk or high and do that too. Except that's it. She was neither drugged, under the influence, or drunk. Dna testing proved that. So the staff swept the footage. And her last known whereabouts were in an elevator. I will not upload the footage nor do I ask that you watch it because it is a little disturbing. So I will describe it as nicely as I can. Elissa enters the elevator, presses a button, seems to ponder for a bit, then proceeds in pressing all the buttons. Weird but not unusual. I did this to my parents when they had to go to a meeting at the 12th floor(I was on the parking level 6 lol). But she then begins to act restless. She hides against the wall, as if she's being stalked. All the while, the elevator has not closed the door. She presses the close door and nothing. So she peeks her head out. Hides again. Does this for a bit then steps outside the elevator. She is seen waving her hands in the air as if she is talking to someone. She moves on and is now out of camera view. When she does that, that is when the doors to the elevator decide to close. Weird. The police looked at the footage and went to the crime scene(water tower). The opening would've required more people to open it for it was very heavy. It was also smaller than what most humans could get into, and from the look on her body there was no signal of a struggle. Perhaps she was teleported? Maybe hypnotised? No one knows how this happened, or why.

    These are some of my favourite. PM me if you'd like me to post a few of the more nerve-wracking ones or add some of your own.

    Maybe your encounter with Spragga or Emet. Or the devs suddenly giving you 20 crystals for no reason( if that happened is hate you OMG).
    Share stories and comment thoughts and ideas.

    Since I can't regulate trolls, I'll ask you to leave if you become a nuisance.
  2. NASA claimed a lunar landing.
    Saying it was so does not make it so.
    Full control of video n audio is hardly proof.
    Makes for a good movie though.
    Too many inconsistencies n anomalies.
    More to do with the paranoia of that time.

    JFK was not a worldwide tragedy.
  3. I personally prefer the one about jet trails poisoning us.


    Also, Kurt Cobain is alive and well, still selling records as Seether.

    Bob Marley was killed by the CIA.

    The Agent that outed the Hilary Clinton emails DID NOT wind up in a suitcase by murder. It was suicide.
  4. I get goosebumps reading this kind of stuff.

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  5. There's a theory that the world will end September 23rd. Here are the reasons why:

    September 23, 2015 is The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Every 7th year is a Sabbatical year (a Shemitah) and every 7th Sabbatical (49 years) ends a cycle of time. The last cycle occurred during Israel’s Six-Day War. Remarkably, the last time the world experienced a Blood Moon Tetrad was during that period and if one counts exactly forty-nine (360 day) prophetic years (17,640 days) from the date of Jerusalem’s recapture by Israel, we arrive at September 23, 2015.

    On May 13, 2014, French foreign minister Laurent Fabius announced that we were on the edge of the “abyss” and had 500 days to avoid “climate chaos.” Exactly five hundred days from that speech date is September 23, 2015.
    In what may be related to comments made by Fabius, Climate Risk Economist Dr. Simon Atkins has warned that a massive wave of intergalactic energy known as “Wave X” is heading towards earth in September, bringing a “record number of physical/Earth shift events,” which include a predicted 9.0 earthquake near, or just outside of Iran, as well as a tsunami in the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, Dr. Atkins believes between 10 to 17% of the world’s population will “not make it.”

    On multiple occasions, Hollywood films have alluded to the September 23rd date. Examples include “The Number 23” (2007) and most recently, “Tommorrowland” (2015). YouTuber Renee M. goes into much more detail about how Hollywood has hidden this September 23rd date in plain site.

    Before his death in 1727, it is alleged that Sir Isaac Newton, the famous physicist and devout follower of Christ, concealed a prophetic script in one of his journals. These writings contained important information related to Israel and end times events. The manuscripts are detailed in the book “Newton’s Riddle.” Interestingly enough, Newton’s calculations point to something occurring on September 23, 2015.

    The much talked about Jade Helm 15 military training exercises, which many suspect to be practice drills for martial law in the United States, begin on July 15, 2015 and conclude on September 15, 2015 — just one week prior to September 23rd.

    September 17, 2015 is the deadline for a “resolution of disapproval” for the Obama Administration’s nuclear deal with Iran. If the measure is passed, it would significantly weaken the international pact by eliminating Obama’s ability to temporarily waive U.S. sanctions on Iran. As of now, it appears Congress lacks the votes to block the deal, potentially placing Israel in grave danger. Throughout scripture, God explicitly warns that He will cast judgement on those who come against Israel or place her in danger.

    The multi-nation organization known as CERN is set to conclude a highly controversial LHC particle collision experiment in the month of September, which some suspect will open up a wormhole and/or spiritual portal, bringing about potentially disastrous consequences as a result.
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, best selling author of The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah, has uncovered a shocking connection between a new Shemitah and past financial collapses of the U.S. economy. This includes the stock market collapse of 2001, shortly after 9/11, and the financial collapse in 2008. The current Shemitah (7 year cycle) ends on September 13, 2015, the day of Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets).

    Pope Francis (who some suspect to be the False Prophet of Revelation), will be meeting with Barack Obama on September 23, 2015, which is the 266th day of the year — Pope Francis happens to be the 266th Pope. Many are suspecting this meeting will coincide with catastrophic events taking place, allowing these and other leaders to usher in a New World Order and help control the widespread chaos that would ensue from a natural or man-made disaster.

    For the past 7 years (keep that number in mind), there have been bizarre and eerie trumpet sounds coming from the sky in places all over the world. These noises could indicate a warning from the heavenly realm that something is about to take place. The following is an excerpt from, which addresses the biblical significance of trumpets and trumpet sounds:
    “The trumpet is a symbol of considerable consequence in the Old and New Testaments. In general, it can signify an alarm of war, a call to assemble, or a command to march (see Numbers 10:1-10). The fourth annual holy day is the Feast of Trumpets, a “memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation” (Leviticus 23:24; Numbers 29:1) …. In addition, God caused the walls of Jericho to fall after 7 successive days of trumpets sounding (Joshua 6:4-20).”

    Seems pretty scary. Prepare for the worst.
  6. COW

  7. That's a good one cow. Well I'm going to go quit my job, rob a bank and find some women to endure my company after reading that. :p
  8. Cow, you forgot to mention the Meteor that was suppose to hit earth on September 23rd.
  9. Or you can be ATA and overcharge people to get ahead in a little game
  10. You want me to post the photos of the equipment they CAN use to that? Maybe you should read NUCLEAR SKIES, it was posted on the NASA website for awhile.

    They tested all the equipment back in the 60's. They dropped...I can't remember what they used off hand, but they were testing the spread
    using jet streams.

    The evidence points towards having the ABILIITY to accomplish "chemtrails". This isn't even considering what was done over Vietnam.

    Strange evidence, backed by NASA initiative to combat "Climate Change". I'll try to dig it up. For fun.
  11. I feel like if we didn't actually land on the moon Russia would have called us out on it, since the whole space race thing. Why would the people who spend that many resources to beat us admit we made it first if we didn't?
  12. Well here's a theory:

    New Age prophets predicted that a KaW wide rapture would take place in April of 2015. These prophets, to include Twicc, would be forum banned from forums and silenced in game for speaking of such of an event because we knew that the kaw rapture would start with Yafi!

    In April of 2015 the rapture did occur and over 130 members of Yafi vanished, some without a trace! When the New Age prophets spoke about the event, after the event, in forums to spread the message to the masses, they too was banned from forums.

    Did the moderators and developers snuff out the holy words of New Age? This is no conspiracy, it is truth!
  13. That wasn't in the list I copied from a website 
  14. Copy/paste is for losers. Chumps omg. Free hand it bro. Copy/paste pays crap.
  15. Sure.
  16. Didn't we have a blood moon just a few months ago?
  17. I think so...
  18. It was less than a month ago.
  19. It wasn't a tetrad though. Don't know what that means, but it wasn't a tetrad blood moon.
  20. Hows this for conspiracy

    Prediction - christs return

    Date - January 30, 2035
    Time - 3:00 pm

    Not really a conspiracy but more of a prophecy of sorts. Every 18 years before a major war theres an influx of baby boys being born in order to supply the wars effort. You can check this with every single major war and will find its correct. Men between the ages of 18 - 25 usually. My son is 8 now. If i take his age and add 10 years to it, possibly the years between 2025 and 2032 could start WWIII.

    However, if you take the 7 yrs of "peace", you will find that that false peace will start around 2028. That is in the middle of the so-called years of WWIII. It is extremely likely that if it does happen in our life time that it is going to be soon.

    This is what I suspect will happen as its started already. Russia starts invading as well as China. They will see countries that
    was once theirs and going to want them back. China, will invade a country that is friendly with the USA. That is going to start the beginning of WWIII.

    Due to the fact that we are a nuclear powered world now, WWIII will be shortened to a couple of years with millions dead. Now, if you take the start of WWIII and add the 2 - 3 years to it, it will give you the start of the 7 yrs of peace. That give you the year of 2028 and end of the 7 yrs peace at 2035.

    Now, why the time you ask? It is widely accepted that Christ died on Golgotha at 3:00 pm. Which is why they say the witching hour is at 3:00 am.

    This is just my personal belief. I am not however a very religious person. I am, however, a spiritual person. I've dabbled in a few different religions. Is this gonna be controversial...very! As the Bible says, no one knows the hour nor the time of his return. He's going to come like a thief in the night.