Consider Ally Trading Over T6 Upgrades

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SuzzieLonger, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. After reading the official thread on the forums, I wanted to offer some advice to people who are complaining about the gap becoming larger between hlbc and new players. While I am not a lb account, I am ranked in the 80-90s in allies. This didn't come overnight; I've been playing for 3 years (this wasn't my original main for those of you looking at my achievement badge). While, yes, I probably will be able to afford to complete the T6 upgrades, I won't. Just like I didn't complete the T5 upgrades. Let me explain:

    When T5 was introduced, everyone was in a rush to upgrade. People were dropping active allies right and left. Rather than upgrading, I (and many others) picked up these dropped active allies. Sometimes we volleyed them up if they were super underpriced, and sometimes we kept them where we were. But the time that I saw the most growth in my ally ranking was during this time. This was when I built my bfa and gold stockpile, so that, now, when I am doing upgrades, 100b doesn't seem that much because I am able to make a fair amount in ally trading each day. It takes patience, but you can close the gap. Trust me, once you get good at it, you can make more per hour in ally trading than by hitting an epic battle.

    Also, I would just remind you again to remember that the players who are on the leaderboard have been playing for a very long time. It wouldn't be fair to them if a player who started 6 months ago had an account that was as strong as theirs. But you can decrease the gap by getting involved in ally trading rather than upgrades. Or you can complain about the injustice.....
  2. Hhmm THIS sounds good
  3. Agreed. Ally trading is a great, great thing!
  4. I would do this but i dont have time :lol:
  5. Support....can't wait for those droppes allies
  6. If your owner dropped you please wall me.
  7. Lol sounds like an ally trader desperate not to have her cash flow come to a hault. ๎’
  8. ^yes me too
  9. The thing is you can get stripped... But you cant get stripped of buildings:)
  10. Shhhh....don't blow my cover Frog.
  11. I usually made 25b x day with only 500b on allies. So yes, ally trading is very useful ๎€Ž
  12. I never sold anything.. Had 500billion and nothing sold for ages..
  13. BWAHAHAHA :p support even though im one of the crazy ones that upgraded. GJ suzzie
  14. The trick is to invest ALWAYS on active allies, fast growth and maybe good stats. Crap allies do not sell for sure...
  15. Agree every one now know the secrete. But even they know how important allies all ppl do again sale allies for t6 build.
  16. This would be great...

    But you little tiny detail...

    ...the ppl as small as me still.cannot afford those dropped allies -_-
  17. I am getting inundated by wall and follow requests. I will try and respond, but here are a few of my 'rules'. Although there are many many traders better than me.

    Start out with whatever you have. I started at the 30b price point and just bought the best that I could find at that price point.

    Buy based on current stats - hyperactive allies tend to be overpriced. If they get burnt out and quit, you are stuck with a very overpriced ally. Also, the goal is to build bfa, not just gold. Allies with low stats for the gold is not a good investment (just my opinion).

    As long as you are buying the best stats available (that has a pulse) in that range, it will sell.

    Don't rehire when that ally sells UNLESS there is nothing better in that range. But there very rarely is nothing better.

    Stick with one price range - if you learn one range well, you will know what's underpriced for that pricepoint. If you are buying at 5 different ranges, it's very difficult to know what's a good value.

    Again, these are just some of my own personal rules - feel free to add to the list๎€‘
  18. Problem is ally market will be dead for a while, much longer than even when T5 came out, because now we have not only new buildings but also new lands, and they all cost more than ever before
  19. @pheonixy - You can trade regardless what size you are. I have a friend that did 2b volleys to get started.