
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Resilient_IRS, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. Well done Devs you have added a new concept to your events albeit it involves another Epic Battle you need to pay to play at least it's different.

    Now please just add more EE war variants back to the game such as advantage wars, 100 man weekend wars and random 5-10min wars for indi wars so every war isn't a near mirror image of each other Please and Thank You :D
  2. 100 man wars? SUPPORTTTTT!!!
  3. Just because they introduce something doesn't mean it'll work. Lets take 100 man indi wars.

    Right now during peak times there are maybe 10 indi matches. 20 clans, lets say 15 a clan for a total of 300.

    You take 200 of these and you're going to end up with brackets ranging from 2mcs to those over a bil. I can tell you now, from warring indi after events, that I get matched against 1bcs+ and I'm totally useless, don't think those should be implemented with the exceptions of large tournaments