confusion regarding converting to hansel

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ililililjlilllllliiiIiIIIIIIII, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. currently i am a attack build . my question is will be quick if i save some bills and convert or do it slowly slowly pls feel free to message me . as i dont go on forum very often .
    thanks you in advance.
  2. Doubl post
  3. I regard hansel complete puss. Make sure to keep you troops selfpinned once you convert.
  4. Complete conversion all at once
  5. Complete all at once If possible...
  6. Straight to volary
  7. confusioned solved thank you pinoy.
  8. Get ~1t and convert all in once
  9. Captain_Confusion.
    The only reason you aren't strip farmed, poor and pinned right now is because it appears you are in UC. Don't diss hansels, as they am kick your pathetic weak **** bag you all am arse.
    Thanks for reading, and have a great day bud. 