Confirm Purchase Ally Button

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by INYC__lRICHl__NYCI, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. It's happened to us all. We're browsing allies, we see one that we might be a bit interested in and we want to seenif he's active or not. You go to click "View Profile" when suddenly all your cash is gone. Washed down the drain on either an inactive, or just garbage ally. Just a couple minutes ago I was browsing, and misclicked hire on a 270 bill ally. While some of you may think that's not much, it's not the amount, it's the principle of the thing. Did i really want to spend my hard earned cash on an ally like that? No. Did I end up doing that anyways? Yes.
    This is what I propose: A simple "confirm purchase" button when hiring an ally. It's not a complicated idea, and would certainly help many of us with chubby fingers . And it certainly would not be hard for the Devs to implement at all. I'm not sure if this has been proposed before. Leave any feedback and or comments. Thank you.
    Roger out! 
  2. As long as you can toggle it on and off(for volleying).
  3. Why hasn't this been created yet lol
  4. That would be lovely..
  5. Yes, a simple confirm button would help with the problem of hiring allies by mistake. It would be nice to be able to toggle it off for volleys, but even if we couldn't it would only slow volleys down a little.
  7. Support. If it has toggle..
  8. 270 billion is a lot 0.0
  9. Support if toggle. I've bought a 300b ally before, I know your pain.
  10. Support the ideas!