Now don't be alarmed, but this is kind of a big deal.. Seriously though, what I have to show you may come as a little bit of a surprise, so get ready, here it is.. I know, I mean I wasn't sure what to think at first but now it's clear.. I am the chosen one, I am the Shepard, I Am The Epic Battle Now I know this is exciting but please try to contain yourselves, Except for her, she can do anything she wants There's no denying it, I have been brought here for a purpose.. Much like the son of some God, I shall lead the sheep away from slaughter, and towards greener pastures.. Or some form of holy epic battles, where's there's no xtal jail, or cooldown, and the ebs never fail.. Come, join me for a taste of the good life, I am Prime, the Shepard of all things epic... Till all are one, Praise be'th the Prime
The most surprising was when I woke up a Lignabeulla, man my ass was sore that morning.. No more partying with Jorath, Willy wasn't joking...
Are you accusing me of being an air tight ski pole? ... Because you might not be that far from the truth... Oh the things Kaw has taught me over the years..
Are you sure about that... Patrick Star in Pink Power Ranger's Suit.... Even better looking than the blonde thing in a shirt...
Prime Im wasted. But i still know that i need your gif collection. Plz upload and pm link. *moonfacethingwhater*