It’s funny how the shallow ones end up off the deep end. Prologue: Hello KaW, how have you been? You will now know me as Mutant Kid. I am the new owner of Conclave of Shadows (will now refer to as CoS). I am an older player of the game that has recently come back. One of my alts had the ownership of CoS so I figured why not bring this Clan back; new and improved. History: Conclave of Shadows is a clan create by DillyBar in early 2010. We were known for our relentless loyalty and ability to war. The clan lasted for nearly 2 years until Dilly eventually parted with KaW; coming back 1 year later and leaving ownership to me. Our old alliances were strong and we had many friends throughout KaW, but it seems times have changed. Currently: Currently I am learning the ropes of KaW once again. My goals is to restore CoS to it’s old ways: Being a loyal and active home for many, teaching the ways of war, and being able to be a safe haven during times of peace. I am currently looking for old and new (after Pwars, etc) players of KaW to come and join the ranks of CoS. I plan to run B2B Hauntings and Haunting: The Escape. Also, on the weekends we will have Members choice on Epic Battles. Finally, I am currently working on my old war tactics from OSW and System Wars and trying to learn the new way of doing things. Any help would be wonderful. Machine (Admins / Co-Owners): I refer to my CoS admins and Staff as a machine because that is what we are. We work together and listen to everyone’s opinion – including new members. We currently have 3 staff members Owner: MutantKid Co-Owner / Advisor: NaughtyErok Admin / Head-Noob (He’s Perm Silenced / Forum banned – Don’t Contact him): RAG Questions / Concerns: I know I cannot answer every possible question on this thread but I will make a quick Q/A for people wondering. If you have any other questions or want more detail, please PM me. 1. Question: Are you a War clan? Answer: We are not SOLEY a War clan, but we will war inevitably and will teach all our members to be Loyal during and not during war. 2. Question: Do you have an Age Limit? Answer: No, we do not. Yet, we would appreciate you to act older and mature, as CC may get frisky. If you are younger and have any questions or concerns, Please feel free to contact me. 3. Question: This isn’t a place for a question. This is for people applying to make sure they read the whole thing. If you have read this and want to apply when you first PM me, say: “KaW is not just a game. It’s a lifestyle.” (I couldn’t think of anything else.) Thank you. :mrgreen: 4. Question: Who are you, MutantKid? Answer: I am just your regular old guy that enjoys his Daily dose of KaW. I make mistakes and will make them, but I’m happy to get to know you better if you want to know me and my clan. 5. Question: Are you currently looking for Alliances? Answer: Yes, please contact me. Old alliances please remember we are a new clan and you may want to get to know us before jumping right to being alliances again. *NOTE*: I will add more to this section if I see any more questions arise regularly. Thank You. Member Requirements: Last, but not least this is the area that tells you what you have to do to become a CoS member! Stat Requirement: Low Land LC and the desire to learn. Age Requirement: None. If between 9-16 please PM me about what you can / cannot be exposed to so the CoS family can meet your needs. The ability to want to war and learn how to war is a must. I want to know that when **** hits the fan my members are there to fight and stay with me until the end. Active: You MUST be active in CC. Lurking is fine if you tell CC before hand. But, please, make it a fun environment! Also, I will monitor your activity. If you’re going to be inactive, please contact someone! *NOTE*: I will make changes to this section as the clan progresses. Thank you for reading. Also, if you are looking to apply and haven’t read the full thing, please do so. There is a reason.
CoS was my first clan I joined. But it isn't same cause very few if not any of original members will come back so I feel it is sad that you trying to reopen it
Time not to fail. I believe the reason it has failed is lack of effort. I'll fight for CoS until I quit KaW. It's not only my clan, but everyone's clan. If it fails, it will fail with me.
@Balto - Yeah, Zhuro is a great guy. But, his leadership skills aren't always the best. I can say this because he's perm silenced and can't chew me out hehehe @Chedder It's not about the original members or the old memories. It's about setting the path for the new memories and members to come.
A few were not failed in fact several thrived but early on some succesful ones were disbanded as I was inexperienced and gave owner to people