Concerning My 1v1 With Nervere. I think I Proved My Point

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BroDanTheMan, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. Hello forums

    Im here on a serious note about Nervere's and my 1v1. He is not hitting me at all. I literally have No News in battle notifacations tab because its been so long since He has hit me.

    I will show a SS for proof:

    So seriously tiger (ill call you that since its easier to remember) start hitting or I'll just... Win by default and say you forfiet. That will show you are all talk. On my wall he has posted the comment that ill see him in my news (Im pretty sure thats what he said, something along the lines). Whilst my news... Has no news to report. So tiger soon if you do not hit i'll post on this thread stating:

    So basically... [​IMG]

    I would also like to go over some things. I will list them using dot points.

    •I do know he is half my size. He has shown in one of his rare hits that he can win.

    •He accepted the 1v1. It was his desicion to go ahead with it. Meening even though he is half my size, his ignorance got the better of him in the way that if he rejected the 1v1 I would have respected it. (even though I would still farm him)

    •Yes I do realize I have been extremely stupid, cruel, overbearing etc. But I will have you know that I have realised my stupidity lately.

    Now forums please tell me If you think if he does not start hitting I will automatically win. Discuss any info as you wish. Sorry for spelling mistakes and bbcode fails if any.

  2.  Wars get things done. Just talk usually makes it worse.
  3. Oops I was wrong I admit. He didnt say I will see him in my news. My bad
  4. Your epeen has grown an inch, bravo good sir bravo
  5. Nerv you can You have suceeded numerous amounts of times when you were hitting at begining. At least im not selfish and ignorant to hide that
  6. Because we are in a 1v1 not a 1v nothing.
  7. Fight. Nerv will never get 1.5b to be able to strip you.. That's means you win.
  8. Lol sidewinder true. Half the reason cause i take all his money
  9. Fight knight u changed ur build?
  10. Proof? SS maybe?
  11. How do u meen gandalf
  12. Im a hansel now. Was pure attack before
  13. Yeah thts what I mean
  14. Nerv you obviously dont have 2Bil. 2mil... Maybe.
  15. All this retarded stammering does not amuse me. Take it to PMs or something, your 5 year old bickering serves no purpose on forums.
  16. LOL.


    he's got nothing to prove. There's literally nothing, no money there too show
  17. Fight knight how much do u make per steal on tiger
  18. Besides, you switched builds. Cry less.
  19. A lousy 2mil