THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO MITHRIL SPELLS WHAT IS MITHRIL, AND HOW DO I GET IT? Mithril is a new item which can be obtained by winning in-system wars. Mithril can be used to weave spells, which are the main topic of this guide. HOW DO I WEAVE SPELLS? Firstly, you must upgrade your Castle to lvl2. The upgrade costs 4 billion gold, and as well as receiving a brand-new image for your castle and the 'Fortress Builder' achievement, you will get the ability to use the services of the Alchemist, who can magically hocus-pocus your hard-earned mithril into Spells! Spells cost varying amounts of mithril, depending on the effect and amount of time it stays active. Spells are also what we will talk about next. WHAT ARE SPELLS? Spells are in-game effects which are cast by utilising the Alchemist and mithril. Different spells have different effects and durations. Some even require pre-requisites to unlock. This guide is written so you, the reader, can learn about the world of Mithril Spells in Kingdoms at War. So without further ado, let us start with the first set of spells: Spells of increased power. SPELLS OF INCREASED POWER Summary: These spells increase your attack, defense, spy attack and spy defense stats. They are very effective in war, as they allow you to hit bigger targets than normally would be possible. BATTLE FURY •Unlocked from start (no requirements) •3 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 12 hours Summary: Enrages your soldiers, increasing your attack and defense by 25,000,000. What it means: By "increasing attack and defense by 25,000,000, it means a 500,000 stat boost to your 'actual' attack and defense.This spell is a fairly standard attack and defense boost. Effective in war for it's low cost and high effect. BLOODLUST •To unlock: 4 lands explored in the Highland. •6 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 12 hours Summary: Your army is consumed with fury and longs for the blood of your enemies. Increases attack and defense by 45,000,000. What it means: By "increases attack and defense by 45,000,000", it means a 900,000 boost to your 'actual' attack and defense. Basically the big brother of Battle Fury. Again, quite effective in war. FOG OF WAR •Unlocked from start (no requirements) •3 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 12 hours Summary: Envelops the battlefield in a magical fog. Boosts your spy attack and defense by 20,000,000. What it means: 20,000,000 boost to spy attack and spy defense really means a 400k boost. Very useful in war; the extra spy power really does have a very powerful impact, as now you can assassinate much bigger players than yourself and bring them down to your level for a beating. VEIL OF DARKNESS •To unlock: 4 lands explored in the Highland •6 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 12 hours Summary: Calls forth the shadows to hide your spies while they attack. Boosts your spy attack and defense by 35,000,000. What it means: 35,000,000 boost to spy attack and defense really means 700,000 boost to spy attack and defense. Big brother of Fog of War. Not much else to say, really. It's excellent for pinning people in particular; the spy boost does wonders. SPELLS OF SPECIAL ABILITY: Summary: The next set of Mithril Spells. These spells help in combat in general. They don't boost your stats, but enhance your combat performance in other ways. SEAL OF LOYALTY •Unlocked from start (no requirements) •5 mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 8 hours Summary: Hides allies on your profile page for 8 hours. What it means: This spell does exactly what it says. That's right, no more people trying to strip you for 8 hours. They can still hire your allies away if they go to your allies' profile pages via search though, and hire them from there, but for the most part, you will be safe. Highly recommended for strip wars for aforementioned reasons. OATH OF FEALTY •To unlock: 100 allies •20 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 24 hours Summary: Hides allies on your profile page for 24 hours. What it means: Same deal with Seal of Loyalty, except more expensive, has a pre-requisite and has a longer duration. You may have also noticed that casting Oath of Fealty once is more expensive than casting Seal of Loyalty 3 times, but you will get the same duration of effect. HOWEVER, Oath of Fealty requires less activity to retain the un-strippable effect, because you only need to cast it once to ensure a day's protection, so if you are not going to be too active, Oath of Fealty is the better choice. Otherwise, Seal of Loyalty is better. UNHOLY AURA •To unlock: 4 lands explored in the Highland •15 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 12 hours Summary: Gives a 50% chance to make an enemy kingdom lose 100% more gold from your successful attacks and steals. What it means: Basically, when this Spell is cast, every time you attempt to attack/steal another player and win, there is a 50% chance that the player you just attacked will lose double the normal amount of gold from your assault. Not much practical use in system war, as people keep gold out to a minimum, but if you have a vendetta against someone and just want to make their life miserable... This spell will always be there for you. Nothing like depriving your enemy of their much-loved gold. :twisted: OTHER SPELLS: Summary: These spells are basically just for fun and don't serve much purpose except to demonstrate how wealthy you are in terms of mithril. VOICE OF REASON •Unlocked from start (no requirements) •1 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 1 hour Summary: Changes your username in chat to a cyan color. What it really means: Well, it's a username color changing spell. Good for showing off to the rest of the wc population how flash you are compared to them. ROYAL ENCHANTMENT •Unlocked from start (no requirements) •1 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 1 hour Summary: Changes your username in chat to a purple color. What it means: Same deal with Voice of Reason. If you ever feel the need to be pimp but like purple the best, cast this spell. COMMANDING PRESENCE •To unlock: 12 lands explored in the Highland •1 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 1 hour Summary: Changes your username in chat to a blue color. What it means: Do I really need to repeat myself again? Burn a few extra mithril into this spell for the funzies of it, baby! :twisted: AURA OF DIGNITY •To unlock: 25 lands explored in the Highland •1 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 1 hour Summary: Changes your username in chat to a gold color. What it means: Yes, burn some spare mithril into this spell for fun, blah blah blah... I was actually thinking you might be able to break your clan into squads using color-coding with these spells during war, but it'd be rather impractical. Still, if your entire clan was filthy rich with mithril... CONCLUSION And that brings me to the end of this guide. I put a TON of effort into this, and I hope you enjoyed and learnt something. If you really enjoyed it, it'd be awesome if you could recommend this for a sticky. Thanks everyone, and I'll see you in my next guide (maybe) . PS: I'm so screwed if BB codes fail
THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO MITHRIL SPELLS WHAT IS MITHRIL, AND HOW DO I GET IT? Mithril is a new item which can be obtained by winning in-system wars. Mithril can be used to weave spells, which are the main topic of this guide. HOW DO I WEAVE SPELLS? Firstly, you must upgrade your Castle to lvl2. The upgrade costs 4 billion gold, and as well as receiving a brand-new image for your castle and the 'Fortress Builder' achievement, you will get the ability to use the services of the Alchemist, who can magically hocus-pocus your hard-earned mithril into Spells! Spells cost varying amounts of mithril, depending on the effect and amount of time it stays active. Spells are also what we will talk about next. WHAT ARE SPELLS? Spells are in-game effects which are cast by utilising the Alchemist and mithril. Different spells have different effects and durations. Some even require pre-requisites to unlock. This guide is written so you, the reader, can learn about the world of Mithril Spells in Kingdoms at War. So without further ado, let us start with the first set of spells: Spells of increased power. SPELLS OF INCREASED POWER Summary: These spells increase your attack, defense, spy attack and spy defense stats. They are very effective in war, as they allow you to hit bigger targets than normally would be possible. BATTLE FURY •Unlocked from start (no requirements) •3 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 12 hours Summary: Enrages your soldiers, increasing your attack and defense by 25,000,000. What it means: By "increasing attack and defense by 25,000,000, it means a 500,000 stat boost to your 'actual' attack and defense.This spell is a fairly standard attack and defense boost. Effective in war for it's low cost and high effect. BLOODLUST •To unlock: 4 lands explored in the Highland. •6 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 12 hours Summary: Your army is consumed with fury and longs for the blood of your enemies. Increases attack and defense by 45,000,000. What it means: By "increases attack and defense by 45,000,000", it means a 900,000 boost to your 'actual' attack and defense. Basically the big brother of Battle Fury. Again, quite effective in war. FOG OF WAR •Unlocked from start (no requirements) •3 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 12 hours Summary: Envelops the battlefield in a magical fog. Boosts your spy attack and defense by 20,000,000. What it means: 20,000,000 boost to spy attack and spy defense really means a 400k boost. Very useful in war; the extra spy power really does have a very powerful impact, as now you can assassinate much bigger players than yourself and bring them down to your level for a beating. VEIL OF DARKNESS •To unlock: 4 lands explored in the Highland •6 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 12 hours Summary: Calls forth the shadows to hide your spies while they attack. Boosts your spy attack and defense by 35,000,000. What it means: 35,000,000 boost to spy attack and defense really means 700,000 boost to spy attack and defense. Big brother of Fog of War. Not much else to say, really. It's excellent for pinning people in particular; the spy boost does wonders. SPELLS OF SPECIAL ABILITY: Summary: The next set of Mithril Spells. These spells help in combat in general. They don't boost your stats, but enhance your combat performance in other ways. SEAL OF LOYALTY •Unlocked from start (no requirements) •5 mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 8 hours Summary: Hides allies on your profile page for 8 hours. What it means: This spell does exactly what it says. That's right, no more people trying to strip you for 8 hours. They can still hire your allies away if they go to your allies' profile pages via search though, and hire them from there, but for the most part, you will be safe. Highly recommended for strip wars for aforementioned reasons. OATH OF FEALTY •To unlock: 100 allies •20 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 24 hours Summary: Hides allies on your profile page for 24 hours. What it means: Same deal with Seal of Loyalty, except more expensive, has a pre-requisite and has a longer duration. You may have also noticed that casting Oath of Fealty once is more expensive than casting Seal of Loyalty 3 times, but you will get the same duration of effect. HOWEVER, Oath of Fealty requires less activity to retain the un-strippable effect, because you only need to cast it once to ensure a day's protection, so if you are not going to be too active, Oath of Fealty is the better choice. Otherwise, Seal of Loyalty is better. UNHOLY AURA •To unlock: 4 lands explored in the Highland •15 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 12 hours Summary: Gives a 50% chance to make an enemy kingdom lose 100% more gold from your successful attacks and steals. What it means: Basically, when this Spell is cast, every time you attempt to attack/steal another player and win, there is a 50% chance that the player you just attacked will lose double the normal amount of gold from your assault. Not much practical use in system war, as people keep gold out to a minimum, but if you have a vendetta against someone and just want to make their life miserable... This spell will always be there for you. Nothing like depriving your enemy of their much-loved gold. :twisted: OTHER SPELLS: Summary: These spells are basically just for fun and don't serve much purpose except to demonstrate how wealthy you are in terms of mithril. VOICE OF REASON •Unlocked from start (no requirements) •1 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 1 hour Summary: Changes your username in chat to a cyan color. What it really means: Well, it's a username color changing spell. Good for showing off to the rest of the wc population how flash you are compared to them. ROYAL ENCHANTMENT •Unlocked from start (no requirements) •1 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 1 hour Summary: Changes your username in chat to a purple color. What it means: Same deal with Voice of Reason. If you ever feel the need to be pimp but like purple the best, cast this spell. COMMANDING PRESENCE •To unlock: 12 lands explored in the Highland •1 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 1 hour Summary: Changes your username in chat to a blue color. What it means: Do I really need to repeat myself again? Burn a few extra mithril into this spell for the funzies of it, baby! :twisted: AURA OF DIGNITY •To unlock: 25 lands explored in the Highland •1 Mithril to cast •Effect lasts for 1 hour Summary: Changes your username in chat to a gold color. What it means: Yes, burn some spare mithril into this spell for fun, blah blah blah... I was actually thinking you might be able to break your clan into squads using color-coding with these spells during war, but it'd be rather impractical. Still, if your entire clan was filthy rich with mithril... CONCLUSION And that brings me to the end of this guide. I put a TON of effort into this, and I hope you enjoyed and learnt something. If you really enjoyed it, it'd be awesome if you could recommend this for a sticky. Thanks everyone, and I'll see you in my next guide (maybe) . PS: I'm so screwed if BB codes fail
@jimjord12: Oh well. Btw, the second one is the fixed version, so read that one. But there isn't really much difference
@jimjord2: iDevice= No editing. Damn, I will try and link my account to the computer to fix this up. Any on topic comments?
In the KaW forums under the "Strategy" section I noticed a thread called "Complete Guide to Mithril Spells" by a user named "B-_-Duskull99-_-F" and it was an amazing guide with detail and everything. I would like you to read it and considor getting it stickied. Yours truely _Pose_