There are 3 sets of stats, your actual stats, your bta (bonus to allies) and bfa (bonus from allies). You bta is your actual stats x0.02. Now when you buy allies there stats go towards you actual stats as does pot usage, mith, to work out your true power in a bta format you would: Bta (perm % bonus clan % bonus) (bfa pots mith x0.02) = your full attack strength. However this is maximum strength, for actual attack strength you would either x your bta by troop % or times your current actual stats by 0.02 instead of using you bta. Ie an actual attack stat of 211,773,600 would give you a bta of 4,235,472 if you had 1 mil bfa you would times it by 0.02 and add it to the 4,235,472 to give you a combined bta and bfa of 4,255,472 as 0.02 of 1,000,000 is 20,000. Hope this makes sense
a question please a clan said 1m require to enter that clan which one they refer to? 1. atk def = 1m 2. atk def spy atk spy def = 1m the clan dont write the word COMBINE