College Football Is Better Than NFL

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Wakebuster, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Hundreds of campuses will be hosting the first game of the season tomorrow, let's explain by Saturday is better than Sunday in terms of watching football.

    Below is why collegiate football pwns NFL :)

    College football stadiums are on beautiful campuses and way bigger than run down dumpy NFL ones

    Yes, NFL does have tailgating, but it's not like college, not even close.

    What beats a pumped up student section going crazy for the whole game...drunk old 40 year old fat men? I think not. (On another note, does a parachuter deliver the game ball at pro games either?)

    This truly is awesome. Late in the 4th as Michigan retakes the lead from OSU and 'Hail To The Victors' blasts thru the stadium

    Saturday is way better than Sunday. You have plenty of time to travel, have fun, and recover from a hangover well before Monday

    Love it or hate it, we all love seeing the Coaches, USA, AP, etc polls each week

    Why only have a select few play "one last game". Bowl games add so much fun around the holiday season and let's so many teams get a grand finale

    Sure, NFL has some. But no where close in comparison. Often times the NFL "rivals" play more than once per season...kinda lame if they each win once. NFL doesn't have a Michigan vs OSU, Auburn vs Bama, Florida vs FSU, etc

    At least concerning the players. Players aren't paid, so they stick around for 4 years (unless they transfer which is very very rare). I couldn't imagine my favorite QB suddenly being traded or leaving as a free agent

    If you like NFL...try college, it's WAY more intense, and so much better.
  2. They actually just passed something in the Supreme Court that says college players can be paid up to $5,000 a year to play football.

    Otherwise, I completely agree with this thread
  3. Awesome thread!!!!

    Still, I have to respectfully disagree. Its hard to watch college football when the core players swap out every several years. Its mire enjoyable watching Brett farve for 16 years, or seeing peyton manning throw he ball for a decade.

    College football is faster paced. I'll give you that. And it can also give you a better enjoyment of the draft, but I love my NFL
  4. Brett Farve should've retired long before he actually did, and he only did because he got injured. Manning is also on the verge of retiring.

    Drew Brees is better anyways 
  5. NFL is way better.
  6. Farve should have been out to pasture around year 13. And peyton manning, although brilliant, is also in his twilight years, sadly..

    Favre prime and peyton prime, however, were really really fun to watch
  7. Don't get me wrong, I do watch NFL, but I enjoy college. Something about a 19 yr old true freshman leading his team to a bowl game is more fun to watch than a decade old veteran QB winning another championship
  8. [​IMG]

    I'm all for college sports over professional
  9. Part of the whole college thing is that the winning team goes out and gets blitzed that night. So does half the campus, and most I'd the professor. I remember college life. Now, when I see college football, I miss the best part of the experience,which is the party in my dorm (no relation to the app). Somehow, doing Jell-O shots alone in my living room after the Texas longhorns win just feels sad.....
  10. GO DAWGS....GA. FTW
  11. NFL will always be funner to watch live and on TV in my opinion.
  12. College is better football and as far as swapping out players I think it makes it more interesting to see new prospects and watch players go from freshman to senior legend.

    College is better football because of different rules..

    1)no 5 yard rule which means you can hit receivers all over the field..

    2) NFL has narrow hash marks so the ball is always in the middle of the field.. That makes it easier to play offense

    These two rule differences make NFL defense all about gambling.. Many of the fundamentals players learn growing up are obsolete in the NFL
  13. .....And it's on Saturdays
  14. False I've tailgated at niner games
  15. Moose you can always go to PIMD for college days .. I disagree you think the AT
  16. My bad read it wrong :lol: but you should go to a 49er game, fun as hell they have free beer if you find a fan from the other team and come to the station.
  17. Oops AT and T stadium is run down? .. The tailgates are bigger and better and the stadium is badasss most NFL tailgates are Better I would rather watch all pros playing higher competition .. Then college people wanting to go to NFL lol
  18. 49ers also have the Tony Montana sing by 2 chains.....
  19. My team won. Crushed the opposition. Yes.
  20. NFL players are a bunch of pussies, take some padding off and play a real sport like rugby! Sorry but you seppos get no respect when it comes to sport as you only play in your own little bubble