So this week has sucked major rotwb horns... It all started on Tuesday...but first, for those of you who don't know: I am a college athlete and i live in a dorm quad with 7 other guys. It has been my goal to not get sick this semester for the safety of maintaining 3 things, 1st and foremost a 3.8 GPA or higher 2nd Muscle mass, and 3rd my sanity. I have gone to such extremes as to 2 times per week wiping every single thing human hands touch down with lysol wipes AND!!!! I have been successful thusfar... at least until social life in my dorm took a turn drastically about 2 weeks ago. Now if you have ever been in college or are in college now, then you are familiar with something that everyone calls "Freshman Heat"... Aka where freshman come into college and all break up with their boyfriends and girlfriends because of their raging hormones and desire to interact in a way that is not appropriate to put in forums... When i was a freshman i didn't take part in this freshman heat because i am a composed person with control of myself...SO!!! Where am i going with this? Well here it is. OF COURSE THEY STICK ME IN A QUAD WITH 6 FRESHMAN DUDES WHO ARE SO DESPERATE THAT THEY ARE BRINGING IN ALL THESE WOMEN INFECTING MY SANITARY KINGDOM WITH GERMS. AND GUESS WHO IS THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS SICK? ME. DUDE. DUDE...dude alright, so what? It's just a cold right? Nope. Wrong. I got the flu. I woke up on Tuesday with a feeling in my throat. The night before i had a pipe, so i didn't really think i was sick. I thought it just might be the pipe. Well that night after dinner i started to get this headache and spike a fever. 2 hours later i got the chills and i went to bed (at 8:00pm) thinking okay imma sleep this off. At 10:00 i woke up with muscle aches and the chills, a headache and a fever. I was in hell the rest of the night... So for the last few days i have not stepped foot out of my room. My problem with this is that now i have to make up for missing classes all week, i have lost 5lbs of muscle from lack of calories. The good news is that i have kept my sanity (or at least i believe). Maybe i haven't kept it because it's 4:00 am here and i'm making hotdogs in the kitchen... Some of you may say "what! How did you lose 5lbs in so little time?!?" Answer: My parents genetically have fast metabolisms that i inherited, as well as the fact that i have been swimming competatively since the age of 5 years old. I have never been above 9% body fat and naturally when your body has a lack of necessary nutrients, it feeds off of your muscle before fat because it is easier to break down. Anyways, i love you all and i hope that you all get sick too. -Rants of a californian college dude.
Invest in disinfectant and hand sanitizer. Baby wipes work good too. Keep everything wiped down and never shake hands with anyone just fist bumps. Don't forget to use a daily supplement. Dorm life is filthy. Use spray bottles on the mist setting. You can create disinfected safe airspace for yourself.
Here is your problem, by not interacting with females and having a life you are unable to form any type of genetic barrier against the bacterias and other fun wonderful things a girl brings with her, therefore your first female interaction went south, here's the remedy! Go out! Go outside, go to bars, go to a damn party! Your 3.8 isn't going anywhere, you can party then show up to your two classes a day 3 times a week hungover and still pass, it's college dude. Have fun, don't be a complete loser, and trust me freshman tail is the best tail what in gods name are you thinking not chasing it around? And final note, you did not lose 5lbs of muscle that is an outrageous claim, you sir lost water weight! Losing 5lbs of muscle in a week...I would love to see that done, unless of course you live in a concentration camp and have been having one meal a day for 6 weeks and work your ass off everyday...yeah right!
If I lived in your dorm and knew that you were trying so hard to not get sick, I would make it my personal objective to make you sick as hell as quickly as possible. That is what good room mates are for...
On a serious note; Being sick for a few days won't make you lose 5lbs muscle mass. Thats mostly water weight. Also have you considered going to a psychologist? You definitely sound like you have a slight case of hypochondria and / or just flat out anxiety issues. Its not a bad thing, it's just something to actually deal with properly before it overcomes you.
Thank God it's water weight. And the loss if tone in the muscle is from what? Also there is plenty of interaction between me and other women, just not that kind of interaction. I don't believe in sex outside of marriage and am taken. I spend much time studying because grades are important to me, and building a future is important to me. Everything i do, i do to the best of my ability. To do less then that is in violation of my epistemic endowment...