COLD CASE by julia platt lenard

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Xx_shadow_demon_xX, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. This is an actual published book so I thought u guys might like it  only post on feed back thread please and dbo u can't complain cuase it's already been published so it doesnt matter what you say

    Chapter 1

    BA-BA-BA. I sawatted the alarm clock. BA-BA-BA. where was the snooze button? I fumbled for the light and knocked over a glass of water. By the tine I got the light on, and alarm off, water was everywhere. I picked up dave's copy if "making of a cook" and dried it if on my pillowcase.

    Great six o'clock am and the day was off to a bad start.

    Itwasbt going to get any better, either. I slid out of bed and fished a pair of jeans and a crumpled t-shirt from underneath a chair and yanked them on.

    Thanks to. Dave--he's my older brother--I got to spen Saturday morning cleaning exhuasthoods and scrubbing down counters.

    Oh yeah, and stock-take . . . A riveting job where I counted how much we had of every Ingreadiant in the kitchen fascinating or not.

    He didn't even care that school had just started And I had homework to do.he gave me A big lecture last night."oz, this is the only way you'll ever learn about business. All the great chefs start this way". And then this is a killer--"trust me,I'm doing you a favor." thanks Dave.

    I splashed cold water on my face and brushed my teeth. I caught a glimpse of my face in the reflection. Maybe we weren't really brothers. He had blond hair and blue eyes. Me? Brown hair, brown eyes and freckles. I could hope.

    I walked down the hall past his bedroom. Totally silent. Hegot to sleep in while I worked. Okay, so we were short staffed. And he was the head chef. And he was twelve years older then me. I got that. But still, he treated me like a slave.

    It was worse because mom wasn't here. Shed been in France for almost a week. She flew out as soon as we got the call that gran had a stroke. Mom was antler out of the drive way before dad put on his serious face and said, "Oz, we all have to pitch in." I think it was just another excuse to hassle me.

    I put on my backpack and got my bike from the front porch. I was almost out of the drive way before I resized something was weird. Dave's car wasn't there. I hadn't heard him cone in last night, but I was so exhausted that wasn't suprising. A sick thought raced through my mind. What if Dave was already at work? What if he'd gone early to keep an eye on me? Great. That was all I needed.

    I zoomed Dow Garcia, took a right onto acequia Madre and a left At Delgado. Piñon smoke wafted out of a chimney, a smell of pine and cumin that reminded me if Christmas. I sucked in a deep breath. Except for a couple dogs howling, it was just me.

    At canyon road I took a right. The galleries were closed, waiting for a the next wave of art-crazed tourists. We got our fair share of tourists at chefs isabelle--most of the local buisneses depended on them--but also lots of locals.

    When I hit the parking lot I slowed down. Suddenly it was pitch black. Weird, I could barley see the restaurant across the lot. It wasn't a big deal. O spent more time at chefs Isabelle then I did at homeand knew my way around blindfolded, but still...

    I coasted across the lot and leaned my bike Against The wall. I felt my way to the door. Glass crunched underneath my shoes. That was it. The light over the back door was out. Probably razor or jojo playing hoops again."excellent," I muttered,"obe more thing to clean up."

    I shifted my backpack onto my shoulder and dug in the zipper pocket for my key. I fumbled around u til I found the lock. It wasn't locked. Impossible. Dave closed last night, didn't he? He never forget anything, especially something like locking up. I got this creepy felling. I knew he'd been in a foul mood last night, distracted, like something was really bugging him, but forget to lock up?

    Not done with chapter
  2. Tell me if I should keep going
  3. 1.) you didn't make a feedback thread

    2.) explain to me: how did this book get published if chapter one isn't finished?
  4. are you just reposting already finished work? if so, where's the rest?

    second, is this YOUR story? are you julia?

    third, published doesn't mean it's any good. all it means is some schmuck gave it a chance. I'm sure we've all read horrible published books before.
  5. so there is a person named Julia who wrote a book.

    but I bet you're not her. in other words you're just typing from somebody else's book and posting it here lol

  6. Belle I did this at 12:00PM i was tired
  7. And I just made a feedback thread
  8. So there's more of the chapter I just was to tired to complete the chapter at that tine
    Don't clutter up FanFic with things you haven't written!

    And if there is no place to read it without buying the book, then you are effectively stealing from the author.
  10. Nope. I googled. It's available on third party sites that sell books.

    On the plus side, while I was looking, I found the last two books in a cute little series that isn't available at the library or at the local barnes and noble.

    I'd almost forgot about them. Thank you OP!!