Coe plunder versus Guild plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Arvinarex (01), Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Anyone know the exact difference? I'd assume guild is better but by how much?
  2. id suggest for you to go look at Wulfs building guide.
  3. I believe guild is, too. But I can't totally confirm this.
  4. Im just a simple noob
    not educated enough to answer you 
  5. I think it was cheese who made a thread on a t3 attack building and guild and guild one so idk. I'm going towards guild.
  6. All T4s make better AB than guilds. And guilds don't contribute to plunder at all. CoEs do, however.
  7. Guilds do give plunder or else i wouldnt maje **** on ebs
  8. I think it's a semantics issue. I'm on iPhone. My "Victory" screen after a successful hit on EB shows "plunder", "allies bonus", and "total". Guilds raise your AB but not your plunder.

    In general, spy buildings don't affect plunder until you get to a certain strength and then they and allies you hire cause it to start going down. Same with towers. I call this the "plunder curve" and you ride it down as you get too strong for an eb or player.
  9. Depends.

    Guild averages maybe 3-6 bil a haunt(with pots no xtals)

    CoE depends on allies so 4-7 bil a haunt(with pots no xtals)

    Just my opinion not facts
  10. I have been both and so far I have more plunder in Coe than my compleat guild had at 37 lands. Only 25 now have Coe
  11. I know one guild ads 400k in plunder
  12. I'm not entirely sure about this, but I think it adds 303,439 on a haunt.(L4)
  13. The Coe has better plunder regarding attacks, but building guilds will severely increase end profit, so guilds are the way to go.
  14. Just look at my plunder at the end of the the haunting I'm doing low when it is finished.
  15. CoEs earn more AB and base plunder than guilds do.

  16. Guild hansels always earn more at the end though ^ plus they can unload their troops because the difference between first and last hit is about 50k, and for me on The Escape it is about 700k difference.
  17. Yes but skimming an attack build will earn more.
  18. No it won't mate. Skimming spies on a guild hansel will earn mug much more. There's been research done on this.
  19. Why don't we stop beating around the bush and get our hands dirty with some math and figure this out once and for all.

    First we'll look at a single level 3 CoE's First Hit Plunder (P) and Allies Bonus (AB) against Haunting:

    P = 536,833
    AB = 1,154,184

    Here's an equation to figure out what that CoE makes during a single unload, including the bonus from Haunt:

    Unload = (13.5 x P + 26 x AB) x (1.64)
    or 1 CoE Unload in Haunt = 61,099,888

    Or suppose you are going to skim for 65 minutes. Then the equation is:

    65 min skim = (25.5 x P + 26 x AB) x (1.64)
    or a 65 min CoE skim in Haunt = 71,664,762

    Note that skimming only makes about 17% more than unloading when skimming solely with this attack building.


    Now let's look at the guild...and to make sure it gives an Allies Bonus, but to minimize the effects of an attack building associated with it (we wanna compare a guild to coe, right?), I'll give it a lowly level 1 stable. Here's our First Hit P and AB:

    P = 6,534
    AB = 620,922

    But a spy building can also do Assassinates, and just like Attacks have a First Hit value, Assassinates have a First Assassinate (FA) value. For a level 4 guild on Haunt,

    FA = 703,235

    Here’s an equation to figure out an unload with the guild/stable combo (note, even though a balanced build, a stable only has 24 hits, but let’s pretend it has 26):

    Unload = (13.5 x P + 26 x AB) x (1.64) + (18.5 x FA)
    Or 1 Stable and 1 Guild Unload in Haunt = 39,630,624.

    That’s about 65% of a CoE unload.

    How about skims? As above, we’ll go for 65 minutes. The equation is:

    65 min skim = (25.5 x P + 26 x AB) x (1.64) + (37.9 x FA)
    Or a 65 min stable/guild skim in Haunt = 53,401,972

    This is about 75% of a CoE skim. Obviously that guild is doing something better with skims…it’s just not as good as a CoE, though. Overall, skimming with the guild makes 35% more than unloading with the guild (atks and assassinates).

    Something else you can glean from the above equations is that 37.9 for skim and 18.5 for unload with your spies. Skimming with spies makes about 2x what they make on an unload. However that’s a different topic.

    The upshot of all this is that whether you are skimming or unloading, a CoE will make 50%-60% more than a guild will. However, it also costs about 1400% more than a guild. Sooooo…I wouldn’t tear a CoE down to replace it with a guild…however if I were penny-pinching, I would find the guild a better value as far as making gold goes.