CoD testing continued at Forsaken Angel

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llIlI_LR-RIPPER_IllII, Jan 14, 2012.

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  1. Hey guys! I'm doing it again today, but with CoD instead of with the destroyer.

    I have a lot of interesting theories to test. If only I could remember them.... Nah.... J/k.... That's why I have a post somewhere that lists all the schtuff I plan to test.

    Anyway- come one, come all. You get a chance at king's hoard and perm item, you get a super amazing clan chat, and Benny said he's giving cookies.

    Join: Forsaken Angel

    Help muh wif muh testung

  2. I'll probably come join soon ;P
  3. Wait... Cookiezz?! Can I join? :D
  4. It's as good as she says
  5. I'll be there after this eb :)
  6. Join and I'll love you forever. 
  7. What kind of cookies?
  8. What kind do you like? ._.
  9. What kind do ya have? :cool:
  10. It depends on what kind you like! :0
  11. Benny takes requests???
  12. Gud clan! :D
  13. Okay. So I have a full proof plan. If you join forsaken angel and win the perm item(s) you can choose an embarrassing forum post for me to make of your choice or wc message.

    Obviously, it can't be against ToU.

    But this is your chance to embarrass the hell out of me!!!!!!
  14. I think we can already do that with the screenshots from CC during yesterday's testing :lol:
  15. We had divorce court last night...THIS PLACE ROCKS!!
  16. thought it was call of duty
  17. Rofl..... Since most of cc was bypassing.... You can't post it. Neener.
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