Cloud 9

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Cloud 9


    One dreams of cloud nine, but, have you ever truly been there? It is a place of refuge for the mind and a safe haven for your deepest desires.

    This is a sub clan to Ride or Die. This clan is ran by -Kawuser- 
    Allied clans

    Crazy world
    1st Coy

    Their Rules are Simple.

    1)Must Be Active In Clan Chat & Read Clan Announcement
    2)Don't be Rude! Respect each other.
    3)No FARMING outside clan.
    4)You must have Allies.
    5)Have Fun, its a Game.

    Epic Battles

    To the Chamber and The Forgotten Ones

    Born: 07/10/11 Pinoy_Pride By:Crazy_4_life

  2. Reserved

    -KawUser- has full control over this thread.
  3. reserved. Please move this to clans/alliances
  4. I counted 9 coulds once