Closed OSFs?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Mrs_iSpy-, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. I dot get this. If a clan has an OSF. Can they really "close" them to the public? And then farm people? I mean, learn to play the game. It happens. Bthe game is played that way. Can they really tell people otherwise? Opinions would be appreciated
  2. Is there something I am not getting
  3. Well I atm, before I go mixed osf for my clan

    and I do admit it's a bother but it's bound to happen
    ad long as it's not farming and they actually caught me open then they deserve it ^^

    Saying your 100% closed to outside is ridiculous and outrageous IMO
  4. Tell that to the ethereal order.
  5. And tell that to ZAFT
  6. Haha I'll keep that in Mind igiggle ;)
  7. You target pure spies for easy money so stop complaining. We warn and if you keep hitting, we return fire. It's a simple concept or would you like us not to warn at all and just retaliate? Cheers 
  8. I don't look for em specifically but if they turn up on my list, I'm not gna stop from attcking them. I'll take my 5 hits. They can deal with it and realize that's how the game is played. Now if I start farming them. Go ahead, do what u want but get a reality check.
  9. 5 hits? Who said we would just hit 5x? Lol 5 is not farming, there's your reality check. If you're too lazy to hit the bl or to find your own inactives, build an osf yourself. I'm not going to dump billions into building an osf so you can just hit as you please
  10. Lololol

    Pimpn aint easy but someones gta do it
  11. Damn straight lerrik I like how they complain about not being able to hit a pure spy but whine about getting hit back. Technically I guess we can't close them to the public but we can pinn u for not obeying our wishes.... So take the warnings lightly and find a new target or a better clan that helps u build.....
  12. I'm not talking about how many times u hit. If I see an OSF on my battle list, idc who they belong to I will hit them 5 times. It's not farming. Ur rite. But deal with it, don't go saying that ur gna farm me to death if I ever hit u again. Play the game like it's supposed to be played.
  13. Guess I'm the only one that knows eventually your gnna get a random hit

  14. We can say the same to you nothing stops us other than common courtisy to pin u.... Just move on and take your advice... If I hit a clan osf I say sry even if they don't say a word to me....
  15. If you wanna hit OSF's, you run a risk of coming across a kinda jerk move that some clans use, crushing people who hit their OSF even once. It's nonsense. If you wanna hit OSF's, knowing the risk, then read their walls first. Some say don't hit or you'll die, others say 5x limit, I dunno if any say on their wall free unlimited hits but I know some super cool OSF's that do it that way... So read the wall.

    If you hit 5x, and the clan gives you a warning, you best heed that warning. Clans can be super protective of their OSF's. If you hit 5x and the clan jumps all over you attacking or stealing or whatever, well that's a jerk move to not give a warning, but hey, it's risky to hit OSF as clans tend to be super protective.

    And if you hit somebody else's OSF more than 5x then ha ha ha, you're dead meat and you deserve it.
  16. Well said 
  17. Wow this is going in circles.
  18. Nvm tmh ended the circle... He types faster than I can draw the stupid circle... kinda sad
  19. And now they r assigning their members to farm me. Hmm. Coincidence? No. In need of an attitude adjustment? Yes.

    And tmh. No warnings, no nuthin on the wall until after I hit the guy. So, yea