Hello Forums, I’m here today with another question for you guys. So recently I read an article about a lab in Korea that is cloning over five hundred animals a day. Source: (https://www.newscientist.com/article/20 ... als-a-day/) So this brings a couple questions; - Do you think it's acceptable to clone animals and so on? - Do you think it'd be acceptable for people to be cloned? - Do you think YOUR society would accept people that are cloned? - Is it immoral to make clones solely for work? What are Your thoughts Kingdoms at War? I’ll add my opinion after this thread gets going
I think it's a great way to solve the food shortage issue we will have soon.. And as long as they don't clone people I don't see any problems with it... Maybe if they keep working at it we could clone ourselves an entire new planet as well? That would be sweet
Cloning is awesome! I personally dont think we will have people being cloned, as we are already over our carrying capacity
Not Immoral:. It's just too sneaky, too many privacy, trust, government issues already, just imagine if they start cloning politicians, or generals, or other people of "importance".. In the theatre of battle alone it would cause many issues.. That's why no one should be allowed to do it..
Why dont clone people? Check any article on pressure on resources right now....rest of what thread asks for..i cant be bothered to type my opinion coz its not gonna change anything :lol:
At the end of the day, it will be up to oneself to decide if they want to be cloned. I for one dont want to be cloned, and i believe many people agree wjth me
Cloning Livestock and crops on industrial scales would obviously be a benefit (if conducted fairly) You will of course have Animal Rights activists overreacting... Anyway, that type of cloning is fine; its potential human clones that worry me.
I say we clone humans to harvest organs and clone animals for food. Imagine how cheap ivory would be if elephants were cloned lol
Eh. We can just make organs. No need to clone a while human...well then again...it would be useful to have a few clones you could safely swap organs with :lol: However that would be viewed as 'immoral'