Click Here And...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. You folk are internet regulars I'm assuming. If not you are probably still familiar with ads like these:

    Or perhaps ads a little more like this...

    We are all internet savvy and know not to click those aren't we?

    Well as it turns out no, some of us (ahem I'm looking at you Auntie) think that the Internet is full of trustworthy and helpful people and websites.

    I had been at my relatives house yesterday, she was on her new Apple Mac (yes it was horrendous) and I was subjected to watching her click on ads such as; 'click here to get a free iPhone 8'.

    I had the talk with her...

    Have you had any annoying Internet ad related experiences? If so post them and keep it as clean as possible
  2. Yup, once got infected with ransomware, was a pain in the proverbial to get off
  3. Cf granted
  4. Not nice ransomware either, the kind that could ruin lives etc. Moronic idiots.
  5. However.. On the kind of not the same but similar enough ish subject for me to assume it'll be ok, anyone been subjected to speculative invoicing? 
  6. Ever since I installed ad blocker, the sexy singles in my area don't want to meet me anymore..

    Le tear
  8. Yep Ransomware happened to me. Real disturbing stuff too...
  9. We need harsher laws for Internet fiends than we do for drug addicts. A drug addict has never gone and ruined my day.
  10. Minor drug crimes really are too harshly punished. Yet many scumbags are allowed to have free run of the Internet almost unchecked.
  11. I know that feel bro.
  12. Pipe Bomb, your a coward. Post on my wall then block me and run like a scared girl before I reply.
  13. Cf denied nublet
  14. Meh. Better than the "fake death" ads that are poping up a lot now. This month alone Betty white has died 17 times. Got one today saying Ronald Reagan died... I don't know how to respond to that one.
  15. You internet too much,I'm guessing Coz I've never seen theses adds
  16. 
  17. :lol:
  18.  omfg