clans restricting # of people warring

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Capricorn, May 19, 2013.

  1. Hey all so I am sitting here thinking and my ca says 27 people are able to war. Sign up on (whoevers) wall. So the question of why do clans limit the number of people that can war? The limit is well above 27. So why do big clans limit the number of hitters. More hitters would make you better. Would It not? Any ideas why?
  2. Your odds of a no match are much higher when you move above 25-33 players.
  3. Because the more hitters you have the stronger your clan is so the stronger the clan they are matched up against
  4. That too
  5. more isn't always better. if you just take your best 27 you may end up against a clan that had to scrounge to get 27.

    lots of little ways like that to get an advantage in a war.
  6. Yes but I'm talking about the big clans. Why do the big clan set a limit? If they all had more then it would be the same as having the same number with less people,right?
  7. It's all about getting a better matchup
  8. And so if the big clans moved up to more members warring that would allow smaller clans too move up in members warring.
  9. Am I just crazy or does any of this Make sense..?
  10. It would require every big clan mutually agreeing to compete with more members, which will never happen because they will all see the power vacuum at 25-33 members and drop back down to take advantage of it.
  11. Some clans shoot for no match ups as well. See the warring clans, look at their BFA/Equip, if they find a bracket they think no one else will join, then guess what? Free mithril EB.
  12. Yeah. Idk it was just a thought im my head wondered how it would go lol