Clans coming soon....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -JAYNE-, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. To SMASH Monsters World Domination that is,ATA's newest game for iOS

    Join the ever growing community now and claim your spot in history️
  2. Would love to once the game is released to the app store
  4. Smash has been released globally on IOS so it should be in your App Store.

  5. It is in the App Store, but Ya gotta look under ATA and it will be in related games. Or even look up KAW and then related games and you should find it no prob. iOS only atm though
  6. Looks **** tbh
  7. Another kids game for kids
  8. Tell them to release in the GOOGLE PLAY STORE for us with androids
  9. How do you know this lol? I've checked the smash forums and see nothing.
  10.  Anonymous War Project. 
     Recruiting OSW/PvP player 
     Unlocking Now. Come 
  11. Devs said in wc clans will arrive shortly after the new year
  12. I have been playing and it is honestly crap. I don't even see how they are making money off of it.

    It's hard to find in App Store because when you search "smash" you won't find it. You gotta search "smash monsters"

    That's kinda ****** up
  13. Opinions are like ass*****,everybody has one
  14. It's a dying game.. There is like 1 total forum post per day and the WC is worse than FC was. This thread already had more posts than their forums gets in one day
  15. If you're on iOS it should be out for everyone except for androids I heard they got some racing game
  16. It's hard to find because if you search smash it won't show up lol
  17. Release a decent game on android
  18. I did ask smash the reason as to why the game was not released to android yet. Here was his response.