
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XxSeCrEt-AsSaSiNxX, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Wall me if you want to make me a clan!
  2. Don't tell me what to do.
  3. I want to make you a clan.

    Aww crap i broke the rules! I was supposed to post on your wall not the thread.... Oh well. Guess i cant make the clan :(
  4. YAY GO YOU!!!! Wait this isn't the Forum Leaderboard thread.... BOO OP! 
  5. Sure I'll make you a clan 

    It'll just cost you 25bil! :D
    Please don't bump this thread. The urge to call this noob out is hard to resist, post his wall then. Bumping it will only bring it higher into Actives and make spam worse. I repeat, DO NOT bump this!
    Thank You,
  7. Bump

    (Just to **** with Flint)
  8. Congrats on becoming a mod Flint. 
  9. SPAM :lol: JUST JOKING!!!
  10. Flint can make a terrible thread even worse. Ann he thinks he's gonna be a mod some day! Lol