clan upgrades

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RAZAR-Atmosphere, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Again, but I have some ideas

    For the prices sorry :)
    50 noblity, castle barrier, 15% bonus to members atk
    100 bil. Banner of courage, increase prestaige by 200
    100 bil, wolf hounds, every member 5% bonus atk
    100 nobility shadow wave, 20% bonus spy atk and def

    I'm thinking of mith speel that last forever for clans, u think?
  2. Name change too
  3. 20 nob or 10 bil
  4. 50 mith - +25m attack and defence for 24 hours for everyone
  5. here comes the taco truck
  6. You do realize with propacks eb bonuses and those itd be more than 60% bonus which is WAY to much, Clans should have to earn there prestige through warring thy shouldn't get the chance to buy it, depends what the mith spell would do
  7. Maybe it could be prestaige pay that could be nice
  8. Yeah Isniff 50 mith, that would be good
  9. God you do realize thats 250 less than what it would cost for every mem in a clan to do that, So in my opinion it would be stupid for the game if it was 50 mith for the entire clan
  10. You're really only thinking of yourself when you post these and not how it would effect the game
  11. chris how about u dont take **** so seriously?
  12. Only the owner can use it, so he runs out, then no more awesome spells, or 100 mith
  13. Dunno, if many people think so then maybe
  14. No item stacking then?
  15. No buying with nobs.. Some clans can't afford it with real cash.
  16. Idea: clan bank

    Players may put money here to save for clan upgrades, this is ONLY what u can use this money for

    Players may also store pots here, a small number may be taken out per day per player
  17. Take what? its blocked sorry and doesnt make sense
  18. Clan funds/bank idea has been suggested xinfinity