Again, but I have some ideas For the prices sorry 50 noblity, castle barrier, 15% bonus to members atk 100 bil. Banner of courage, increase prestaige by 200 100 bil, wolf hounds, every member 5% bonus atk 100 nobility shadow wave, 20% bonus spy atk and def I'm thinking of mith speel that last forever for clans, u think?
You do realize with propacks eb bonuses and those itd be more than 60% bonus which is WAY to much, Clans should have to earn there prestige through warring thy shouldn't get the chance to buy it, depends what the mith spell would do
God you do realize thats 250 less than what it would cost for every mem in a clan to do that, So in my opinion it would be stupid for the game if it was 50 mith for the entire clan
Lube how bout you take **** seriously Op just email your ideas to the devs at
Idea: clan bank Players may put money here to save for clan upgrades, this is ONLY what u can use this money for Players may also store pots here, a small number may be taken out per day per player