Hey all, My idea is simple enough. Double the amount of ranks (apart from warlord) and half the price of them. If a clan has unlocked all of the ranks already, due to the price being halved they will automatically unlock all of the extras added. In the same way, if a clan has say 3 armsmaster ranks, they will receive an extra 3 as thats what the price would have bought them. This will allow clans to get a much better base of higher ranks and then allow you to fill up with surplus recruiters. Is this still a problem for starter clans? Well, no. However much I know it is nice to start a clan and meet all the new people that can flood to it, in this age of KaW you need decent stats to get started and go through EBs. Starter clans should not be run by starters, but by experienced players who can help the starters and who can afford to buy a decent amount of the slots. TLR Double the amount of slots. Half the price of slots. Cheers, DeIta
And if they also would greatly expand the roles with the ability to kick I think it would go a long way to resolving the ongoing frustration. Good idea.
14 slots are able to kick. I dont see where a real problem is. All you really need is the main 4 positions to boot anyways. If you're doing an eb like NQ or FOD where you need to boot rogue pots, then the owner/warchiefs should be on for that phase anyways. When in doubt, add more of the low cost positions with booting when attempting fod/nq. They're cheap enough since silver bars are available every 2 weeks
I'm not really worried about the problem of kicking, as I believe that should be up to the higher ranks anyway, just that it'd be a lot safer with more recruiters and knights being available as before you could have as many admins as you want there.