clan to fight against mods

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Zanther, Jun 24, 2013.

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  1. Remember paradise is a clan to fight against all mods.
    Mods are doing the dirty work for devs, and devs give a **** what they are doing.
    So - this clan is to strip farm all mods - for a better KaW. Feel free to join or stay away. Whatever you think - we want to free KaW.

  2. Support ... Maybe 
  3. :roll:
  4. Annoyingly, lb players seem to get away with making these crappy types of thread
  5. what did moods do to u! in ur clan infoim it says ur fighting against moods btw.
  6. Great. WC ad would be perfect for this.
    Really now? Mods are doing the dirty work? Isn't that why mods are mods, to silence and forum ban spammers so the devs dont have to? Also, do you really think the devs don't review every single silence/forum ban that is done? 'Caus they do, since the moderator has to send in a reason they were silenced/banned.
    KaW is already free. I am not bound by what is done by mods. I am free to farm ebs or players, join an EE war when I feel like it, disband clans, make peoples lives hell, the list goes on. I am not a slave to anyone, and honestly you are just hurting in your anus because you can't talk anymore because you probably spammed World Chat.

    Good day to you Teja, since I doubt you'll respond to my post as you did last time.
  7. It's good to see an LB player openly angry for once, too many LB players have worked too hard to see the very thing they work hard for just fall apart
  8. Full support, I will shop smaller members allies for the farming or strip-farming of that ladyboy
    Drgn mod
  9. SUPPORT IM PERM SILENCED. Why the hell not?
  10. My thoughts exactly.
  11. Blah blah, post it on a wall or recruit in wc.
  12. Y yall doing this tho
  13. The mods are here to help.
  14. He's being a whiny ass because he was silenced.
  15. You're gonna get forum banned tread carefully or make more alts
  16. Another crappy clan thread? Take a look at the clan recruitment thread guide to make a more thought out clan recruitment thread. Before you accuse me of doing the devs dirty work I am pretty consistent on locking crappy recruitment threads.
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