Clan System Update v3

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Sabo_FC, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. Hallo everyone Sabo here with a great idea on how to make a clan more efficient so lets get started.

    So my idea was there to be a update notification not so unlike the update we see in wc and with epic battles.

    How does this work

    So a clan admin or owner would be able to send out a message to Clan Chat sort of like the update bot. This could be used for Eb Blitz strip targets or general rules and info.


    • Could be used to send info and rules fast
    • Might be furthers to even a update in Newsfeed
    • Faster than walling tens of members

    • Admin could spam the update
    •might send a bypass undetected
    •Could be swept away by other news feed actions.

    Fix's to cons
    •Have a certain set of time between post say like 30mins-1 hour
    •Have the name of whoever sent the message
    •Have a separate section for clan messages in newsfeed.

    Thanks everyone for reading. Please help by adding pros and cons i may have forgotten.

    Tl:Dr wrong topic/thread placement for you
    Also please do not hate on me for any bb code fails on Ipod thank you


  2. Also in case devs look will this section have threads on active topics or will it be like fan fic?
  3. Also be noted while i am on ipod and have no desire to connect to the pc i will. E posting a updated thread with new info every once and awhile
  4. Dont do that its spam... Just repost it here
  5. Its not spam as it wont be all that frequent based on how slow this section is and cause I'm not on pc so i cant edit
  6. I will just ask for old thread to be locked
  7. Please state why you support or what could make it better
  8. Did his post get deleted?
  10. Agreed when i get on pc ill add that