Clan Round Roster Size Issue

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Majin_Venom, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. This is an Issue how am i Supposed to get medallions if i dont get in to a clan to war, because everyone is letting in SH only?

    Pls lower Round clan War to 11 roster( not primal or indi ) just the regular clan war, so i can make a decent roster and more ppl can war with their own clans, is a shame to work so hard and no one takes you in.

    Thank you for the season war devs
  2. Just avoid round wars. Let the sh and lb rip each other apart, while everyone else does the wars that devs meant for us to do.
  3. Make your own clan and war there :)
  4. We are excluded from the wars that we have the capabilities to do.
  5. Size is still and Issue Lol
  6. Round wars are for lb and SH , you have primal and indie wars you can take part in

    Attempting a Round war without being big or little is like jumping into a pond of sharks  so we dont do it
  7. Will be much better to support my thread for an extra indy war at 3am PDT.
  8. I don't even really try to do round wars. I supported them being implemented hoping roster size would be different for more participation.... It isn't.

    I officially withdraw my support for round wars. Remove them, they suck.
  9. Don't let the demand for SH stop you from warring! I'm sure there are clans out there looking for your build :D When you do then you could possibly get the Medallion!
  10. What world are you living in