Clan Roles

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IF-YOU-WANT-BLOOD-YOU-GOT-IT, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. To who it may concern.

    Not all clans are set up and manged as a one size fits all box. In our clan we rule it by council and have 7 members of equal standing.
    Therefore the new structure for clan admin that you have proposed will not work for our clan. I also assume there are other clan in KaW that will be effected as we are.
    As part owner and council member of the Dragons Rage clan, formally request that the clans be able to determine the amount of slots in each admin position.


    WARPIGS -1984
  2. I agree, I don't see why there should be a max amount of slots for a clan role. I think it'll make it a lot easier if all the clan roles were unlimited (or maybe that the max slots are 100)! :)
  3. Agree if we are spending our gold why limit it.
  4. May each person finally recieve a refund check from ATA for their upcoming downfall and demise of KAW.
    May your profits fail you for 2016