Clan Rescue

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LlamaWhale, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Well everyone. I have an idea. If you ever seen the show "Bar Rescue" you know that people will go and help bars become busy and open. More people will go to the bar.

    Well. I am working on creating a clan named "Clan Rescue". It will be a group of people or friends who will join and we will talk in clan chat about clans that need help. We will have a list in the clan info of clans we need to help and have helped.

    We will go to clans and help make the clan active and have people joining. We will join and recruit and hit the eb for 1 day.

    We then will go back to home clan (Clan Rescue) and soon go to another clan and help them.

    I need some people to help me with this project. If interested contact me.

  2. I could see this flop so easily, clans need members and in order for a clan to work it needs the members to stay perm.

    I'd gladly donate my clan thread services because I can produce good clan threads.

    However one day is too short id suggest every week for 5 days, you guys could help establish everything.

    Staff (admins), food(eb's), members, people of interest, and how to effectively run the damn thing. It's a lot of work one day is too quick.
  3. Ok. Thank you. Everyone who reads this it isn't 1 day it is 5.
  4. I totally support this idea!!!

    Here's how I see Brick in a noob clan..

  5. The most important factor I think would be helping these clans build up their own member base. Which would entail them posting ads and possibly a forum thread.

    However, I think this service could help promote that by fixing clan info, help running EB's/war/whatever, and ads.

    Eventually, get them to rely on their own clan, instead of clan rescue. Positive idea, will need a lot of effort and help, but it's a positive thing to do in the KaWmunity
  6. Lol ashes!!
  7. How will you know if a clan needs help? You can't just put every new clan on your list.
  8. I see wake, thanks. What I am working on now is trying to get the money to make the clan and get members to join and are willing to help.
  9. Yes I know toxic. I will be looking at older clans with very few or no members and I will talk to the owner. There is quite a few clans that need help.
  10. Cos its that easy right? Lol
  11. No I never said it would be easy. It will take some time and effort but I am willing to put all I got into this project.
  12. Be careful with this. You can't just approach clan owners asking if they need help. They will get offended. And of their older clans, they will have their clan and allied clans farm you. So, be careful.
  13. I support this idea and would love to help!
  14. Would you be willing to help blades of sapphire?
  15. :lol: :lol:
  16. We'd need to have a thread saying we are looking for clans to help, and sending ads out in WC.
  17. Yes AZZARO is right and iron lol
  18. Also, toxic. I don't think I would be farmed for asking clan owner if they would like some help if they know who we are.
  19. It still doesn't matter. Some owners are very stubborn and think they don't need help. They get offended by the slightest thing  just a fair warning.
  20. Ok thank you