Clan Leveling System Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IDS_zachmighty_IDS, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. My idea is that you can level up the clan. There are two ways you can do this the first is by completing epic battles which drop a random amount of experiance. Another way would be through a clan bank. The way this gives exp is by how ever much you donate to the clan bank depicts the amount of exp your clan recieved from the donation. This donation can also be used to help weaker players. The money donated say by a stronger member can (with the owner giving them it) the weaker can use the money to upgrade. This will both level up the clan and help the weaker members get stronger.
    So with all the methods to leveling the clan being said now its time for the rewards part.

    The rewards could consist of percentages to you attack, defence, spy attack, and/or spy defence. Another reward could be a percentage increase in the amount of gold you make from epic battles.

    With all that being said i truely believe that the clan leveling system would really be a great addition to the KAW community. I believe it will allow you (devs) to make a lot strong series of epic battles without having to release a new Tier of buildings. I also think this would encourage players to continue playing rather than quitting because of slow progression. If anyone has any thoughts about my idea you can ether say what you have to say on the forum thread or you can wall me, or pm me your thoughts.

    In advance thank you.
  2. The ability to transfer gold directly between accounts (and this way just adds a step) is easily exploitable by anybody.
  3. Your right people could do so for alts and make a super strong account but i still think this is a great idea even if people exploited it the only real people that would build up so quickly would be "wannabe leaderboard members" which wouldn't be able to get on the leaderboards except for they wouldnt make it cuz of how high in strength the top 100 (mostly top 10) are so it would take prob 20 alts to get to their level in atleast a year maybe idk
  4. I for one dont have time to keep alts active cuz i rarely use my personal computer (and if i use it i dont play kaw) and i dont like having multiple accounts one takes up enough time already
  5. I think it's a good idea and would help new players grow
  6. Thx for your imput
  7. I give support but another thing this could give is a greater chance of drops to the clan
  8. Ok thanks i forgot about that i do think that is a great addition to the rewards part of my idea.
  9. You mean Estoc's Edge?

  10. The clan achievement bonuses are essentially this.
  11. How are you preventing abuse by the owner?
  12. Yes but this would be an addition to the bonuses already in place
  13. And Imperial means the increased drop of equip (i know this because he's in my clan)
  14. I was just saying Sholron
  15. I'd pick one or the other, not both. IMO - experience from EBs - where T1 give the least - is the way to go.
  16. True i do think T1s should give the least amount and T10s should give the most and i think both ideas would be great the clan donation would lead to stronger players being able to help weaker and the other would be from completing things as in ebs so i think they both are great ways to get experiance to help level the clan up
  17. Just a note as well - all these ideas have already been brought up. Use those threads that are more established with feedback and try to build off those.
  18. Im sorry i didnt know that there was already a forum about these ideas i just had the idea when it popped in my head this morning