When EBs first came out, I remember Corinthian saying that one of the reasons EBs came out was to help solve the clan hopping problem in plunder wars, where players constantly changed clans, and WC was flooded with plunder war advertising. Now however, with all these trinkets and EB goodies, players are once again hopping from clan to clan, and WC is again full with advertising. Did the devs not realize this when they made this equipment, or are they content with players playing KAW roulette instead of actually fighting each other? How do you all feel about clan hopping? Is it a problem or do you not mind it?
My main clan had to open up more than we used to because the ones who got their items want Hauting and the ones that don't want FOD. With the member limit still being 100, it is hard to satify both requests without making subclans and opening the clan up more to non-perm members.
I hop all the time. Sometimes up to 6 clans a day, depending on which eb's are on and which eb's I want. But i enjoy it, i have no home clan, so it suits me. I make lots of new friends, and i also get my items and gold. I like hopping. I see no problem with it.
Because the devs make more money in eb's. Thats why they do them. They don't care about the war part. Only the money part.
@Swag I haven't decided how much I like the hopping, but one of the reasons Corinthan gave for introducing EBs was to reduce clan hopping, so they devs must have seen it as a problem at some point. The more clans you hop to and the more friends you make, the less chance you have of warring with them. There are some clans that list 15-20 clan alliances. I wonder if they have any enemies?
The dulling of the competitve nature of Clans should be of paramount concern to everybody practicing Clan Hopping. Warring aside, there should be some level of loyalty to Clan mates whom have worked to help your Kingdom grow. It is understandable that you want a particular piece of Equipment for your Kingdom, but doesn't everybody else in your Clan want that piece of Equipment too? This goes hand-in-hand with the strong-getting-stronger landscape of this game. Folks leaving the "dead weight" of weaker Kingdoms behind for the low-hanging fruit at a more-established Clan that can actually finish the tricky Epic Battle your Clan never could. This is becoming all too commonplace, and new players are being trained to play according to this gypsy-lifestyle. Granted some players really do enjoy floating around, so prohibiting Clan Hopping would never work. And I use Epic Battles as an example, but in truth there are many reasons folks leave Clans for others. Perhaps the Developers would consider adding an incentive to stick with a Clan as part of a future update though. Maybe a Clan Achievement granting a Plunder/Stat Bonus to all Clan Members in line with the current Kingdom Loyalty Achievement, for Clans that Disable Join and keep it so for an extended period of time? Or perhaps for meeting the 100-Member cap for such a time? A convention like this would quickly give way to finished Clans with a static Membership. Over time, Clan Hopping Kingdoms will begin to find homes in these finished Clans to reap the Clan Loyalty benefits. This should calm things down a good bit. Secondarily, a new breed of Clan Loyalty-disruption aggression will be born where outsiders can seek to break up a Clan's quest for a timer-based Achievement by forcing out Members. This would be a cool new War dynamic and go to further strengthen Clan Loyalties to boot. And who knows, if Clans began to lock-down their rosters for a while the Clan Leaderboards may actually come into the limelight some. We'll all get to learn the names of the Clans. Clans jockeying for Leaderboard position may choose to have a Skirmish, who knows. I think Clan Hopping should be dialed back some, would really benefit this game, just my opinion after all.
I really actually kind of wish I DIDN'T have a home clan, then I could visit friends w/o being drawn back all the time
I don't mind as long as those who only join to get equipment portray themselves as guests, not someone who wants to be a permanent member.
I dont see a problem here. DEVS are concerned with keeping players on this app. Clan loyalty is YOUR problem. Not theirs, and it shouldn't be their problem anyway. Why should a Dev care if you are loyal to your clan??? Anyhow, there is an easy fix. Offer achievement badges for consecutive time served in a clan. Maybe give a loyalty item to players that don't leave a clan for...... Oh..... 6 months, or maybe a year. Just some thoughts.....