Clan Forum Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jack-llllllllll, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. This is a guide that can help clans in the future when making an clan fourm and gives them some ideas of what to add to there forum


    Clan name


    What we hope to be is/Goals:


    Contact list:


    Cool art the represent clan(goes below)

  2. Being unique and different may appeal to a greater variety of people.

    I feel people should design their clan adverts and pages as they like to keep creativity and originality alive :)
  3. There is already one in the guides section that is stickied. That one has an example of a clan recruitment thread too.
  4. Seriously?, Different people's have different ways to represent, But still its good that you took your time and made a thread!
  5. Some people also like a mini fictional story included. A LOT like that actually. ;)
  6. A great guide, but as other people have said here I think it would be better if clans were creative instead of following this template.

    It may be helpful for someone though, to get an idea of what they should include.